T wo very important things will be gleaned from this. Namely, the FIM gets time off with his family and returns refreshed and the other managers improve their skill sets in F&I especially if they’re paid on the department as most are. Also, make certain your FIM takes yearly vacations and compensate him while he’s gone. If reasonable, create a spiff program for a limited time as a carrot for exceeding goals. Sound like a lot of adjustments? Well, it is but what’s worse? Becoming a little more proactive in retaining someone who is already familiar with your staff, processes and has proven to be a team player or let him leave disgruntled. The result could likely result in him working for your competitor and increasing his sales. Now, let's look at F&I manager reasons for turnover that can be solved. We’ve already read why F&I managers jump ship. As Tony Dupaquier pointed out, it’s the perceived opportunities another store may offer-not actual reality. Those perceived opportunities can be in the form of a lateral move to the desk or perhaps even a GSM/GM promotion but it usually means a more harmonious work environment and many will leave for less pay to achieve this. Though the problems you’re disgruntled about may not be so prevalent in another store, I can assure you there will be other issues that may be worse so look before you leap because still waters run deep, to coin a phrase. Let me first say that I fully understand why a finance manager might become disheartened due to problems in a store. Some can include things you won’t learn about in training class. These are learned from on-the-job experience and they can be solid reasons for looking elsewhere. I’m talking uncooperative staff, missing data on deals causing extra work, lack of time off, pay cuts, bad bosses, and the list goes on and on. As was already mentioned by Tom Reddin, that green grass across the fence line has to be watered, fertilized, and mowed. If you think for one second a job change is going to be without some of the same conflicts you’re now experiencing then you had better think again. Though the problems you’re disgruntled about may not be so prevalent in another store, I can assure you there will be other issues that may be worse so look before you leap because still waters run deep, to coin a phrase. You see, we often get so rapt up with the problems in our store that we begin majoring in the minors becoming easily agitated. And, we all have pet peeves that drive us mad. 8

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