-If the harassment becomes too bad or feels threatening, report it to the internet provider and, if severe enough, to the proper authorities. Other types of online confrontations. Sometimes the criticism or comments are not anonymous and come from sources we know. Identifying the source of the criticism is a big part of dealing with it. There are different kinds of criticism we can encounter. Online criticism from coworkers. If they are acting in an unprofessional manner or make harsh non-work-related criticisms, go over their head. Do not let it continue. Advise your supervisor of the situation. If they are acting that way with you, they are probably acting that way with others. Criticism from customers. A bad comment from a customer on the internet can wreck your day. Customer criticism is part of the digital age. If those complaints are ignored, social media is an easy way to malign the dealership. And you might be surprised at how quickly criticism can be diffused if complaints are acknowledged and respected If you made a mistake, contact the customer directly and admit it, (With management approval, of course). And try to offer a solution that the customer will accept. Accept the customer’s criticism as a learning experience. Nobody is perfect. But we can learn much from those difficult situations. Criticism from competitors. Take competitor’s criticism as a positive. This, in my experience, is a sign of success. What I have learned is that if you are so successful, and such a threat that your competition takes the time and energy to try and tear you down, you are obviously doing something right. And their attempt to tear you down online exposes that to everyone. The best way for a company to get me to shop their competition is to try to tear them down. It tells me they are afraid of the inferiority of their own message or product. Criticism from your competition is a complement. And there is no need to respond. Always take the high ground online. The important thing to remember is that the way you handle your online presence lasts forever. And it will affect your career, self-esteem, and peace of mind. Smart people measure their words. “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and to remove all doubt”. George 14

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