Fayette Cares 13300 N. Main St. P.O. Box 326 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Somerville, TN 38068 (901) 465-3802 FayetteCares.org Somerville, TN Permit #45 First and Last Name Street Address City, State Zipcode Fayette Cares Board of Directors Debbie Sullivan, President Fred Walker, Treasurer Drew Johnston, Secretary Josh Holley Amy Oliver Katherine Schrader Civil Miller-Watkins Interested in serving on the Board? Apply at: FayetteCares.org/Board-of-Directors-Application A MESSAGE FROM BOARD MEMBER Amy Oliver My fairytale romance took a dark turn when prince charming, who once knelt before my family and proposed to me, became the man who cracked my skull, broke my hip, stole my savings, and distanced me from my daughter. Thanks to you, I found Fayette Cares. Mark Your Calendars! April 13 April 26 June 8 Plant Sale September 14 November 9 December 7 Golf Tournament Forks and Corks High Cotton 1k/5k A Night of Southern Elegance Christmas Caring Today, as an advocate and Fayette Cares Board Member, I am a survivor championing the mission to help others battling abuse, poverty, and despair. My commitment to our work is grounded in having experienced FAYETTECARES.ORG every program that this amazing organization offers, from emergency food, shelter and clothing to life skills, utility and rent assistance. My journey from the depths of adversity has taken me to a place of health and happiness in a loving relationship, and molded me into the daughter, sister, and mother I always aspired to be. As a person whose family found safety and support at Fayette Cares, I know firsthand that your gifts bring hope to the hopeless. Let’s continue to stand together, fighting for a brighter future for everyone we serve. Volunteer, Shop, Donate, Attend Events | (901) 465-3802 Follow Us
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