GROUPS, CLUBS & ASSOCIATIONS History & Heritage Cobourg and District Historical Society The Cobourg and District Historical Society promotes interest in the history of Cobourg and district and beyond, encourages the preservation of historical, archaeological and architectural heritage through monthly meetings featuring speakers, the publication of presentations and organizing and participating in special events. Our meetings are fun and lively, perfect for citizens who want to learn more about the Town we live in. Monthly in-person meetings at Victoria Hall take place in the Concert Hall. Contact Information: cdhs.ca Architectural Conservancy Ontario The local branch, ACO Cobourg & East Northumberland, focuses on community issues and programming opportunities. Typical branch activities include advocating for threatened heritage properties, providing conservation advice, publishing a newsletter, managing revolving funds for heritage restoration projects, creating fundraising events, leading tours, and providing social events for its membership. Contact Information: ACOntario.ca New Canadians Centre Northumberland The New Canadians Centre offers support to immigrants, refugees and other newcomers through immigration and settlement services and community connections. Programs include orientation to life in Canada, support with elementary and secondary school registration and orientation, free certified language assessment and referrals to language programs, social events for newcomers and social groups for women and youth. Please contact us to book an appointment to meet in person or online. Contact Information: nccpeterborough.ca Muslim Community of Northumberland The Muslim Community of Northumberland (MCN) is an open group for all Muslim families and their friends in Northumberland County. The MCN group participate in many social activities in the county. Contact Information E: mcn7654@gmail.com Northumberland Hispanic Cultural Club The Northumberland Hispanic Cultural Club (NHCC) was established by the Hispanic-American community in the County to provide a venue for its community members to come together to enjoy and participate in Hispanic American culture. The club aims to promote Hispanic American culture by holding events and, performances that showcase Latin American art, music, food and literature. The club also aims to help and support new Canadians of Hispanic origin to adapt to their new home. Contact Information: northumberlandhispanic.ca Lakeshore Genealogical Society The Lakeshore Genealogical Society is a group of family tree growers and researchers from Northumberland County and beyond. The group meets regularly at Cobourg Library and/or via Zoom to exchange ideas, share discoveries and learn from visiting guest speakers. New members and visitors are welcome. Pre-registration is required. Contact Information: lakeshoregenealogicalsociety.ca 45

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