Editors Note: When I decided to make Death Maze, I also decided to keep track of the process of creating each book. For a two page comic, you’d be surprised at all of the hours of work that went into each page. writing, line art, inking, coloring, lettering, cover design, publishing - each required time and effort to complete. Both for the artists and also for me, the producer. If you listen to our dumb comic creator podcast, you know that I have also been producing a 37 page comic called “The Nefarious Mr. Green.” By some dumb luck, I found the perfect artist/colorer/letterer freelancer who liked my project and is wonderful to work with. If only every project were that easy… For Death maze, I wanted to branch out and work with a lot of different comic artists, explore the different stages of comic creation and really get a handle of working through the entire production process. I also wanted to write for different styles of comics and tones. And so…for this comic…as a learning tool…I hired three comic colorists to work on these pages and then compared their styles before deciding on a final version (listen to our discussion on episode 6 of our podcast or watch it on patreon.) The first colorist, Shahab Khan (sifar_art on fiverr), used very saturated tones. The background is just as bright as the foreground. It is reminiscent of 1990s x-men comics. The water effects and sludge was very interesting, but when showing a friend, he said it looked like fire not sludge. So for as happy as I was initially with the first rendition of color, I pressed on with the experiment. The next set of pages here are by colorist godwinking (fiverr account). He did a fantastic job as well, but as
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