SPECIAL SECTION DAVID GORDON REA BROWN "VENDING THE PAPER AND CONNECTING WITH THE COMMUNITY MAKES ME FEEL AS IF I'M REALLY DOING SOMETHING GOOD FOR HUMANITY." "THIS IS NOT A SKIT. I WOULD BE REMISS TO FORGET TO SHOW MY DEEPEST GRATITUDE FOR SO GREAT AN ACCOMPLISHMENT." To me, the Denver VOICE is everything. It has been there for me when I was at my lowest point. When I discovered the VOICE, it represented so many things that I wanted to talk about – like poverty and homelessness and giving people a way to get through the hard times – and the mission was right in line with those topics. You know, I'm trying to think positive about the VOICE’s future. It exists - not just for me. It’s for the community, and losing the VOICE means the community would be missing an entity that shares the experiences of homelessness through the journalism of the paper and actually does the mission of the VOICE, which is to facilitate a dialogue about homelessness, addressing the dynamics of it. For me, the VOICE is also about the connections that we make with the community [while] being homeless. It gives me a way to actually communicate with my neighbors. That community and that closeness mean a lot to me. I would like to maintain those relationships [I’ve developed] through the Denver VOICE. Vending the paper and connecting with the community makes me feel as if I'm really doing something good for humanity. And that's what it means to me. That's what I'm gonna really, really really miss. Most adequate citizens of the magnifi cent prominences to wit, such beauty could compel me to speak voluminously of my indebted foreverness a bit, which I could but faintly memorialize the list of the few worthies incredible enough to give fi rst monthly, then COVID, now closing bull. “THANK YOU” This is not a skit I would be remiss to forget to show my deepest gratitude of so great an accomplishment. Heaven sent though an agnostic helluva grateful though protestant or catholic wickedly appreciated to all the Christians, Jews, and Islamists – to the LGBTQ+ and any of the other alphabets from all over the world if you live or visit – Wolf, Cat, or Rat – I just ask that you forgive me for my leather fi t. “THANK YOU” But before I quit this tribute recognition that should be indelibly writ, let me facilitate the splendid regiment against poverty in brick, for being an oasis, a basis, and an apsis to Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis and obviously making me able to publish this. “THANK YOU” November 2024 DENVER VOICE 11

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