WINTER WISH LIST Drop-offs are accepted Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., or by appointment. NEW ITEMS NEEDED: Socks Toiletries (individual or travel-size) Toothpaste, deodorant, chapstick Bottled water GENTLY-USED ITEMS NEEDED: Men’s shoes or boots (sizes 8-12) Men’s jackets/shorts (sizes L, XL, XXL) Women’s jackets/shorts (sizes M, L, XL) Backpacks, carrier bags USB-C charging cables WINTER DONATIONS MADE EASY During the winter, Denver VOICE vendors experience increased heating and housing costs. Meanwhile, their income decreases because cold temperatures means less foot traffic and fewer paper sales. If you would like to help out your vendor by donating a few extra dollars, scan the QR code below to make a payment through Venmo. Please be sure to write your vendor’s name in the comments. Thank you! What do YOU want to ask? @DenverVOICE If you have a question or issue you would like vendors to discuss, please email community@denvervoice.org. January 2023 DENVER VOICE 5 A BRIAN AUGUSTINE I used to pray for a job I would love to go to and would be happy to be part of. It took me going homeless to find it. Denver VOICE is that job for me. My personality has changed. My outlook on life has done a flip with a twist. This job with the Denver VOICE has made me the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. REA BROWN The job that answers the question begs one to ask another question. Why don’t you do it for a living? It’s sad when you think about it, really, and a lot of my patrons and I have spoken about it from time to time. Students have languished over it after finding a career in something they didn’t go to school for. And the truth is if you’re talking about money that’s an easy answer, but if you’re talking about enjoyment and money, it’s a bit harder. but if you’re talking about Love, I believe you have to know something about yourself. Not many people find fulfillment in their work. But I often ask, “what was the dream?” I have worked, I have slaved, and I’ve even caught a few breaks, but if there is one thing COVID taught me with time to create is that I’m an artist, I always have been, and by Yah’s grace, I always will be. So, to answer the question, hopefully, tomorrow, we shall see, and that, my friend, ‘bout sums it up for me. RAELENE JOHNSON Years ago, I worked as a housekeeper in motels. Also, I have worked in fast food. To me, being a vendor is the best job. I am more fulfilled than I ever was. I get to meet interesting people and share my story with them. I’ve learned to speak up for myself and want to thank everyone who supports the VOICE. JASON MARTIN My favorite job would have to be when I was the manager of building materials and lumber at Lowes. I got to ride a forklift most of the time, or I scheduled the employees who worked under me. I enjoyed helping contractors out when they came in with big orders. LEONARD SMITH My favorite job was working as a cook, and a carpenter, mopping floors, cleaning pans, cleaning windows, and doing outside work. LARMARQUES “MISHA” SMITH Food pantry coordinator. I was living in Indianapolis, IN, and working at the Damien Center, Indiana’s largest AIDS service organization. I had to order food for the pantry from grocery stores and the Midwest Food Bank. During November and December, I had to make sure clients had a holiday meal and gifts to open. I was also in charge of the client’s annual holiday party. Good times. ASK A VENDOR THIS COLUMN IS A PLACE FOR DENVER VOICE VENDORS TO RESPOND TO QUESTIONS FROM OUR READERS AND STAFF. THIS MONTH’S QUESTION WAS SUGGESTED BY VOICE VENDOR RAELENE JOHNSON. What was your favorite job, and why? Q

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