四 外交流 到夜間野生動物園 探險 體驗乘坐新加坡 單軌列車 參觀 SEA 海洋館 認識新加坡的城市規劃 加 交 本校六年級 30 位學生前往新加坡進行交流,藉此認 識新加坡的歷史、環境保護及了解當地的多元文化。 天 這次行程非常豐富,包括參觀魚尾獅公園、萊佛士登 藉此認 陸遺址、甘榜格南、小印度、牛車水、濱海灣公園、濱海 堤壩、新加坡城市規劃館、夜間野生動物園、海洋館、新 生水世界及欣賞時光之翼水上表演。 行程另一重點是到新加坡姊妹學校Greenridge Primary School 進行互訪交流,體驗當地課堂活動外,領略當地的 學校生活。 這次交流令學生擴闊視野、增廣見聞,同時亦提升學 生以英語與人溝通的自信心,令學生獲益良多。 品嘗地道肉骨茶 暢遊濱海灣花園 魚尾獅前留影 參觀新生水展覽中心 乘坐水陸兩棲鴨子船 登上空中步道欣賞美景 新加坡姊妹學校 Greenridge Primary School 進行互訪交流 Our Refl ections on Singapore Study Tour After going on the study tour in Singapore, I suddenly 與當地學生一起攀石 realized that Singapore is more diverse than I thought at first. Although there are many people of different races in Singapore, they can still live together peacefully. By Lee Cheuk Wai, Cherry (6A) I learned so much during the study tour because 學習當地的民族舞 I took the initiative to ask and answer questions. The most unforgettable attraction was the S.E.A. Aquarium. I learned a lot of knowledge about sea animals. By Chan Kin Chi (6B) Singapore is indeed a multiracial, multicultural and 新加坡學生介紹當地的歷史文化 體驗當地的校園生活 multilingual country. I felt excited during the study tour because I learned to be more independent and had the chance to try some delicious local snacks. By Ng Hong Ching, Hazel (6C) The most memorable experience was the visit to Greenridge Primary School. The students were nice and helpful. I enjoyed having lessons with them and chatting with them during recess very much. By Lau Yin Kwan (6D) 兩校師生大合照 9 團 新 坡 流 考察

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