In language arts the students are reading like absolute rock stars! They can’t wait to begin reading workshop each morning and get books in their hands. As the level of difficulty in texts increases, they get more and more lost in their books. It is a beautiful sight to see. When we come together on the carpet to share great literature, the kids are honing their skills with the identification of story elements such as characters, setting, problem and solution. I challenge you to ask your child to identify those elements in the books you read to them at home, too. In writing workshop I am beyond impressed with the pieces the students are writing. They are experimenting with titles that grab the reader’s attention, dialogue and descriptive language. We have a group of outstanding authors in kindergarten. Thank you for allowing your students to come in each day independently. It builds so much confidence, and that confidence spills over into our school day. The gift of independence is priceless. As this second trimester nears an end, it is incredible to look back and see just how much the students have grown. 8
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