Energy Infrastructure Canadian consulting engineering firms have the experience and expertise to deliver energy projects in a socially, environmentally and economically responsible manner. That’s why ACEC has been vocal in supporting the approval of resource projects based on good science and sound engineering, including responsible development of traditional resources alongside continued development of alternative and renewable energy. Parliamentary Partners Program With a view to educating politicians and candidates on national issues important to our industry, ACEC’s Parliamentary Partners program was leveraged in the lead up to the federal election. Members across the country connected with MPs and nominated candidates to reiterate key messages: consulting engineering is an important industry in Canada; public infrastructure is an investment in prosperity; and responsible resource development is critical to Canada’s economy. Saving our Industry $Millions in Financial Guarantees As a result of lobbying by ACEC and the Canadian Council of Independent Laboratories (CCIL), the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) withdrew its proposal to have all licensees post a financial guarantee for nuclear densometers that would have tied up over $14 million across the industry. Instead, CNSC is implementing a more realistic risk-based insurance model with an annual premium of approximately $13 per densometer. The originally proposed financial guarantees would have been nearly 1000x the annual premiums. Learn more about the value and benefits of your ACEC membership at
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