AUDIT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE The Audit and Finance Committee is responsible for the preparation and recommendation of the annual budget to the Board of Directors and for receiving/reviewing the audited and interim Financial Statements. The Committee oversees pertinent financial communications, disclosures and related audit controls on behalf of the association. This year was a particularly active year for the Audit and Finance Committee, with the financial implications of the Fall 2015 Strategic Planning conference being incorporated into the 2016/17 budget. In addition, a new three year budget horizon was developed (beyond 2017 year-end) to predict the long range financial impacts of the new Strategic Plan. The Audit and Finance Committee was fully engaged and thorough, producing solid results. In addition budget forecasting, the Audit and Finance Committee met in advance of most Board Meetings to: • review monthly statements and report the financial status to the CEO Board; • evaluate annual membership fees and make recommendations to the Board related to the annual budget; • recommend the appointment of an external Auditor; and • recommend specific actions to fulfill CEO’s Strategic Plan, Mission and Vision. The Audit and Finance Committee continued to monitor membership enrollment numbers in order to predict member-related revenue trends over next five years. Reserve funds were reviewed, and project allotments were assigned to align with specific projects and goals. Chapter budgets were received and discussed with the Chapter Executive Committees, and incorporated into the association annual budget. I would like to thank both the member volunteers and CEO staff for their commitment, knowledge and expertise. Michael F. Tulloch, Committee Chair TULLOCH Engineering Committee Members John Krug Stantec Consulting Ltd. Steve Titus Aercoustics Engineering Ltd. Martin Tourangeau Hatch Mott MacDonald
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