Safe & Affordable Housing I think it all starts with housing - if we can solve this issue, many other things will fall into place. Service Expansion Any service needs to be expanded and others need to be developed. Homeless and mental services come to mind. Safe & Affordable Housing Having a safe home is the first step in good mental health; rentals prices and prices to buy a home mobile home etc. have skyrocketed and even people with good jobs have trouble affording a place to live safely. Criminal Justice Reform Because they want everyone to stay stuck in a hole there isn’t any help to be free from federal help until you dig yourself so deep you end up in jail or prison. They need to make it easier to get out of poverty Policy Changes If an individual is receiving public assistance such as SNAP benefits, OHP, TANF, etc. I feel there should be unaccountably such as drug testing, job shadowing/internships, community service. Its sad seeing so many individuals that are receiving benefits, actively using drugs, not working, not contributing. Even a small amount of time can make a difference. Community/Civic Engagement Policy Changes Safe & Affordable Housing I feel again it is important as a community to stay clear minded on the things that impact us!! Don't get sucked into the mire of urban parts of our state. Rural communities live and think differently, allowing the poison of ideology to ooze itself into our daily life should be the thing that keeps us grounded as a community. Protecting and nurturing our generations is imperative to us all. Getting our children into programs where they engage with our elder folks, yard work, delivering meals, community cleanup should all be a requirement to graduate. Same for us adults, we could all us humbling experiences that build character and self-pride. Politics Maslow's hierarchy of needs - second to life needs is safety. Many people in rural areas do not have enough of that. Service Expansion Community involvement for students and youth. And A central agency for seniors and elders to go to or for an elder's neighbor can go to and indicate they need a food box weekly or even check to see if their electric bill is paid up to date. This is for local Hermiston residents. They all need to be worked on. We need a day center for homeless and others who need assistance other than dhs, employment, or a food bank can give them. These people need skills, hands on work, as well as a year-round shelter. That can help many many more folks than just sending them on their way. Policy Changes Policy changes to allow for better understanding of others and the lived trauma others have been through. Safe & Affordable Housing Because it seems like people became so greedy raising the rent prices so much how do you expect someone to pay such high amounts for rent and still not struggle. It's unbelievable how people charge 600-800 for rent even for a single room. Service Expansion I think if our community work together and put out more resources and also put out the word that there are these certain resources for people in time of need our community would come together as a whole and be a lot better than what it is now CAPECO | Community Needs Assessment Report | 2021 336

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