Direct contact I feel that having direct contact with individuals is by far the best way to connect with the community. Building community/organization trust Direct contact Direct contact Direct contact Direct contact Direct contact Direct contact Senior center Direct contact Advocacy Healthcare/Medicaid preservation Healthcare/Medicaid preservation Public transit/increased bus routes Healthcare/Medicaid preservation Public transit/increased bus routes We as a community need to stick together. I personally have a hard time being around people because of my condition. I suffer from severe PTSD, anxiety with non-epileptic seizures along with severe chronic pain due to spinal condition. Outreach is important I recently joined an organization that has a network for helping people. So much more is out there and could be refined. Should be more I don't think that there is enough people that know about the programs and resources there are out there to help people who are in need Capeco is always open. Once again, I have no clue regarding your question. People respond to caring people. Tell us why you selected what you did Mental and physical health are greatly affected by generational trauma and adverse childhood experiences. We need a healthcare system attuned to the longterm health effects and coordinated to treat the whole person, family, and system of care. Health care is a basic human need. If one's health needs are not being taken care of, it is difficult for any person/family to engage effectively with anything else - school, work, etc. It's nice to have a bus, but it’s not very accessible and there are not nearly enough routes. I believe that health of mind and body is integrally involved in socioeconomic achievement. Having increased options is great! I know there's numerous choices available for those without reliable transportation. Public transit/increased bus routes Healthcare/Medicaid preservation Healthcare/Medicaid preservation There are some clinics, as well as OHS, that help. Many low-income people are eligible for Medicaid which is really not fair to lowincome people on Medicaid who have to pay for doctor visits, prescriptions and so forth. Raising awareness about racial discrimination I do not understand how the selections offered address poverty in this community under the 'Advocacy' tab. I would like more clarification before I can answer. Healthcare/Medicaid preservation Because excuses like the other choices on the list are ridiculous......and yes, my son is a beautifully mixed child. CAPECO | Community Needs Assessment Report | 2021 329

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