did show this as a community concern but did not ask for in-depth input regarding what would improve public transportation issues, a more specific study is indicated at a time when this domain is addressed. • Health Services – Physical, Mental, Dental, and Vision – People may have easy access to affordable Health Services, but geographic accessibility can present problems anywhere from time constraints to transportation issues, especially with senior citizens and single parent households. Consider narrowing the perceived gap by addressing issues like the need for improved public transportation and by promoting availability of the services community members are looking for. • Activities and Socialization for Children, Youth, and Senior Citizens - Be intentional about intergenerational approaches to these. Intergenerational approaches encourage different generations to use their strengths to nurture respect and understanding while coming together for a common purpose. In one way or another most communities have at least one activity already established for children and youth or senior citizens. Finding ways to integrate these can be as simple as community gardens or as complex as a multigenerational housing community, but they take community intention. • Financial Literacy – Take every opportunity to educate community members about finances. Every county has members who are stating they have an interest in one form of financial literacy services or another. To continue to provide funding to a community member, in one domain, while avoiding full wrap-around services, even something as simple as financial literacy, is missing the mark in helping individuals to become independent, healthy, and safe. • Networking – Be accountable to actively participate in community partner networks. By engaging with others CAPECO communicates its programs and services to those partners who can refer clients back. In turn, CAPECO too becomes aware of established and up-and-coming services, helping to avoid unnecessary duplication of services (where possible). There is also a responsibility to report back and disseminate information to the entire organization in a timely manner. • Programs and Services provided - Promote, inform, and educate all community members and partners about CAPECO’s services and programs. o CAPECO has close to 30 different services – Each service needs to be pushed individually to the community, as opposed to overwhelming community members and partners with ALL that CAPECO can help with. That’s not to say something shouldn’t be created and promoted to encompass all programs and services CAPECO does provide. o Keep the information simple, relevant – Define conditions for services that a community member might need, e.g., Define eligibility criteria for homelessness, such as living in a car (among others), as opposed to using an umbrella term like homeless. o Advertise – Actually spend money on advertising. Organizations cannot solely rely on free social media nor assume community partners are forwarding program and service information to their clients. o Refer community members – It is necessary for all staff to have knowledge of what services CAPECO and other agencies offer and how and where to send people inside and outside of any organization or agency. o This is not just a CAPECO issue – A community-wide intention is what truly keeps an individual or household form falling through the cracks. • Community Participation - Include community members and partners when discussing potential and new initiatives. Provide opportunities for the community to help lay the groundwork for new programs and services with input from group settings and/or surveys. CAPECO | Community Needs Assessment Report | 2021 20
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