Survey Acknowledgement We are extremely grateful to the many community members, community partners, CAPECO staff and CAPECO board members who have taken time to participate in our Community Needs Assessment in October and November of 2021. Methodology The Community Needs Assessment is a large overall look at the needs of communities within CAPECO’s service area. With a large geographic area to cover it can be cost prohibitive to reach every community member and partner with one-to-one contact about the survey. Reaching community members and partners for their input in this Community Needs Assessment survey was done directly by email from contacts CAPECO currently holds, paid advertising, direct contacts with large employers, social media, websites, press releases, direct mailing, and fliers in public locations as well as to current clients. Due to COVID-19 restrictions no in-person events or information meetings were planned. Multiple methods of collecting information for assessment and analysis included focus groups, qualitative questions and quantitative questions to community members, community partners, CAPECO staff, and the CAPECO Board of Directors. Objective data from reliable sources has been included and gives a baseline to compare and contrast the input from the Community Needs Assessment surveys and focus group questions. With that in mind, a community’s perception carries weight and therefore balances the subjectivity of this report. The community member survey and focus group questions were made available to participants in English or Spanish. The Community Needs Assessment report and data, once accepted by the Board of Directors, will be made available to the public through CAPECO’s website. Social media will be used to direct people to CAPECO’s website where they can find the link to this report. Requests for copies of the survey and/or data will be provided a link to this report. CAPECO | Community Needs Assessment Report | 2021 11
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