the tattoo competition, and local artists creating posters, T-shirt designs and badge art. The other horror shows frankly are out-of-state shows popping up in Denver to test the market and kinda have a corporate feel, similar to a large comic con. They have big bucks behind them from running shows in other states for years, so they can get very expensive actors to attend. We prefer being an intimate show where fans have access to our celebrities and talented creatives. Smurf: Local, homegrown show that is about the community and has real heart. A lot of these other shows are very cookie-cutter and overlook the local artists, vendors and businesses. All of us (the founders) spend time building the show, talking and taking the time to build relationships within the community to give the best experience, not just for the attendees, but the guests, vendors, sponsors and our own crew. BIGGEST CHALLENGES YOU’VE FACED AS AN INDEPENDENT, ARTIST-RUN FESTIVAL? Bret: I’d say funding, cash flow, inflation and the economy are our biggest challenges as well as these out-of-state conventions that are close to our show dates. Show attendees only have so much disposable income. Smurf: Space. The ideas we have sometimes can be a little larger than the venue would be able to handle, and we’ve had to pace ourselves a little. STANDOUT HIGHLIGHT FROM OVER THE YEARS. Bret: We’ve had so many highlights, but a couple years ago, seeing actor David Howard Thornton, as Terrifier’s Art the Clown, creepily come down a glass elevator as a long line of fans awaited a photo with him, was stunning! Last year’s Rocky Horror Picture Show shadowcast was pretty darn special too. BIGGEST MYTH OR MISUNDERSTANDING ABOUT THE HORROR GENRE AS A WHOLE. Bret: That horror fans are weird, mean, violent, etc., when they are in-fact some of the nicest and most inclusive people you’ll ever meet! The horror community is truly special. Smurf: The people. In my experience the horror community overall is the most welcoming regardless of the genre you might enjoy. It’s all about the craft and the story, there’s never a wrong answer of what’s better because we’re all here to appreciate it together. I’M SUCH A CHICKEN WITH SUPER GRUESOME OR HAUNTEDBASED FILMS/SHOWS. HOW ARE YOU ABLE TO ENJOY SOME OF THE DARKER REALMS OF HORROR WITHOUT GETTING NIGHTMARES? Bret: I’ve just seen so many horror films of all kinds, I’m likely jaded, and I love doing “homework” to watch the gory films of our special guests before meeting them in person. I run a horror con, so maybe nothing scares me. Smurf: No nightmares unless I’m doing a marathon of some kind. The hardest part for me is not laughing during some of the more intense moments or jump scares. I love it. FIRST HORROR FILM THAT HOOKED YOU. Bret: Creature from the Black Lagoon. ARTIST KEVON WARD SALLY & DR. FINKELSTEIN COFOH 2024 T-SHIRT DESIGN BY XANDER SMITH JEFFREY REDDICK AT COFOH '23

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