SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 www.mygov.go.ke NEWSFOCUS | 31 and prone to severe drought, a factor that prompted Phoebe to start cottage industries, which entailed training women on the mechanics of spinning and weaving of cotton, pottery, poultry rearing and vegetable farming. “I also built schools for children with special needs,” says Phoebe, who adds that the constituents worked well with her, signalling faith in her leadership. After introduction of multiparty politics in 1992, she was re-elected area MP on a FordKenya party ticket. Although she decided not to run in the 1997 elections, she continues serving Karachuonyo people outside Parliament. She encourages former MPs to do likewise, even if they are not re-elected, because it’s all about service to the people. Phoebe speaks fondly of her relationship with her nuclear family of five children, and about her husband’s family, which, she says has always supported her. Her in-laws once sold cattle to finance her election campaigns. The family always comes first for Phoebe. She encouring. Priscilla Abwao, who in 1961 was the first woman to be nominated to the Legislative Council (Legco, today’s Parliament), sought permission from Governor Patrick Renison to visit Jomo Kenyatta, who was detained in Lodwar. “I led the women’s delegation. We wanted to know what role women would play in independent Kenya,” says Phoebe. “Kenyatta paid a keen interest in what we had to say and he assured us that he would work to safeguard the interests of women.” The women took flowers and vegetables to Kenyatta, a gesture that took him by surprise. “He was elated and said no-one had ever brought him such unique gifts.” The visit bore fruit and consequently, the first KANU manifesto stated that the government would work with women. Phoebe recalls that after independence in 1963, Kenyans identified themselves as such, and not by their tribes. There was a great sense of nationhood and tribalism was frowned upon. “As I look back, I feel saddened that children are growing up in a very tribal society. I envy Tanzania because it has maintained nationhood and does not promote tribalism.” Phoebe asserts that Kenya has to deliberately develop programmes that will make people feel as one, with a renewed sense of belonging. When she was appointed head of Women’s Prisons in 1962, Phoebe relinquished leadership of Maendeleo Ya Wanawake. She became not just the first woman superintendent of prisons, but had to There were male prison guards of lower rank, who openly said they could not salute me because I was a woman. I learned to change direction to spare them the embarrassment - Phoebe Asiyo contend with the challenges that accompanied the position, notably male chauvinism. guards of “There were male prison lower rank, who openly said they could not salute me because I was a woman. I learned to change direction to spare them the embarrassment,” says the holder of a diploma in Sociology and Prisons from Wakefield College in England and a similar qualification in Community Development and Social Work from Mount Carmel College in Israel. Lack of sanitary towels for prisoners was another issue Phoebe had to address. She pushed for and secured provision of free sanitary towels for inmates. “The service is still there to-date,” Phoebe notes with a sense of accomplishment. “At Prisons, I also realised that most women were sentenced for petty offences because they lacked confidence to articulate themselves in court,” says Phoebe. She recalls a case, she says she will never forget. A woman had been sentenced to death for killing her husband and Phoebe followed up on the case, perusing the convict’s records. “I found that it was actually the woman’s 15-year-old son, who had killed his father because he had been physically abusing his mother,” she recalls. Because the mother didn’t want her son arrested, she reported the incident to the police, implicating herself. Although she had pleaded guilty to murder, Phoebe pushed for commuting of the death sentence to life imprisonment. “I’m glad that the woman was later released because of good conduct.” The incident made Phoebe a crusader against the death penalty. In 1970, Phoebe was appointed head of the Child Welfare Society of Kenya. The NUGGETS OF WISDOM • Women are supposed to be three times more knowledgeable than men for them to excel in any field. They have to rise up to the task because nothing in life comes easy. • Women should always aim to give servant leadership. You can never go wrong when you meet the needs of the people and assure them that you are there for them. • Girls should take education seriously because education is the game changer. • There is need to create cordial working partnerships between men and women so that we can succeed. • As a leader, family should always come first because it is the cornerstone of society. • “Women should never retire; they continue to play crucial roles in their families and communities.” country had stringent laws, which did not allow unmarried people to adopt children. President Kenyatta set up a commission to seek public views on the issue. Phoebe was part of the commission, which collected views from different parts of the country. The commission’s recommendations resulted in the progressive child adoption law that we have today. In 1979, Phoebe decided to join politics. She chose to vie for Member of Parliament for Karachuonyo Constituency. “It was a tough race because I was running against the incumbent, who was the ruling party KANU’s chairman,” Phoebe narrates. “The campaigns were intense because people were not accustomed to women leaders. I soldiered on and eventually won with a landslide.” As an MP, Phoebe was actively involved in women development activities and got a lot of support from the donor community. Karachuonyo is semi-arid ages women leaders to give their families as much attention as they do their work. She believes it is possible to have a healthy balance between the two. The political veteran is passionate about giving back to the community. She mentors many upcoming women leaders at the county and national level. She is also involved in community activities and helps local women’s groups. The high level of youth unemployment is potentially catastrophic, she says, and should be addressed. Phoebe urges the government to invest in youth because they drive the economy. Although the current (Uhuru Kenyatta) leadership has started well, it could achieve more if it deliberately dealt with political polarisation in the country. Devolution, if well-implemented, could benefit wananchi and accelerate growth in areas, which previous regimes marginalised, she says. Phoebe was a member of the Constitution of Kenya Review Commission, whose outcome, the 2010 Constitution, brought devolution. A strong advocate for the women’s cause, Phoebe was the Goodwill Ambassador for United Nations Development Fund for Women in Africa between 2002 and 2013. The fund has since been renamed UN Women. She is impressed by the current crop of Kenyan women leaders, whom she considers products of the affirmative action struggle. Now in her 80s, Phoebe says no African woman should retire since a woman remains relevant to her family and society throughout her life. She spends most of her time at her Karachuonyo home. Her regular day begins at 5am where she heads straight for the farm to check on her fish ponds, poultry and tree seedlings. At daytime, she consults with community leaders, who call in for advice. Funded by the Allen & Overy law firm, Phoebe launched ‘the Phoebe Asiyo Legal Aid Clinic’ at the Lang’ata Women’s Prison in July 2016.

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