28 | NEWSFOCUS SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 www.mygov.go.ke Criminal Procedure Bench Book a milestone in criminal trials, says CJ The criminal procedure bench book is a quick reference for judges and magistrates presiding over criminal proceedings providing guidance on statutes, judicial authorities and policy directions. BY HEMPSTONE OMONDI AND DENNIS WAFULA KNA-NAIROBI C hief Justice David Maraga over the weekend launched the Criminal Procedure Bench Book in a move aimed at enhancing dispensation of dispensation. The criminal procedure bench book is a quick reference for judges and magistrates presiding over criminal proceedings providing guidance on statutes, judicial authorities and policy directions. “This bench book will help achieve uniformity, efficiency and speed up criminal trials,” confirmed Maraga. According to Maraga the Bench Book will not only be used by judges and magistrates but also other players in the criminal justice systems such as prosecutors, defence counsel, accused persons and academics. Maraga emphasized that the book incorporates international laws and standards and captures practices emerging from criminal proceedings. The 183-page book is viewed as an important tool through which justice will be enhanced by improving jurisprudence and well explained laid out court processes. It is also an improvement in which the courts will dispense justice in the criminal proceedings and underlines commitments in the Judiciary transformation agenda. “The journey to realisation of the Bench Book began in 10th November 2015 where a committee with members drawn from the Judiciary, civil society, National Police Service, Director of Public Prosecution and Law Society The journey to realisation of the Bench Book began in 10th November 2015 where a committee with members drawn from the Judiciary, civil society, National Police Service, Director of Public Prosecution and Law Society was constituted - Hannah Okwengu Chief Justice and President of the Supreme Court, David Maraga (second right) holds a copy of the Criminal Procedure Bench Book during the launch of the book at a Nairobi Hotel on Friday. With him is Court of Appeal president Justice William Ouko (second left), Judiciary Deputy Chief Registrar Paul Ndemo (left) and Lady Justice Hannah Okwengu. was constituted,” said the chairperson of the Bench Book committee Lady Justice Hannah Okwengu. The president of Court of Appeal Justice William Ouko who demonstrated the applicability of the digital version of the book called upon judges to utilise hyperlinks provided to retrieve judicial authorities in criminal proceedings. “Knowledge of judicial officers and perception is what matters in the dispensation of justice; therefore the Bench Book is a major development in the justice system,” asserted the Deputy Chief Registrar Paul Ndemo. A list of cases at the end of the print version gives the internet address for every case mentioned in the bench book. MOI UNIVERSITY RE-ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE POSITION OF CHANCELLOR Moi University wishes to declare a vacancy for the position of Chancellor, and calls for nomination of candidates. Moi University is located in Eldoret, 310 kilometres northwest of Nairobi, the Capital City of Kenya. It was established as the second University in Kenya by an Act of Parliament, the Moi University Act of 1984. The first cohort of 83 students was admitted in 1984 through a transfer from the Department of Forestry, University of Nairobi. The University currently operates three (3) Campuses, four (4) Satellite Campuses, and two (2) Constituent Colleges, with a total student and staff population of 35,245 and 2,980 respectively. The vision of the University is to be recognized nationally and internationally as the University of Choice in nurturing innovation and talent in science, technology and development. The mission of the University is to preserve, create and disseminate knowledge, conserve and develop scientific, technological and cultural heritage through quality teaching and research; to create conducive work and learning environment; and to work with stakeholders for the betterment of society. We are a unique education provider, offering innovative and internationally renowned programmes at both Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels. Manufacturing The Government has opened up local production by creating an enabling environment for private sector-led industrial development and a business climate capable of attracting local and foreign investments. Moi University is inviting members of the Public, Senate and the Alumni Association to nominate suitable persons for the position of Chancellor for a five-year term. Duties and Functions The Chancellor:a. Shall be the titular head of the University and shall, b. in the name of the University, confer degrees and grant diplomas, certificates and other awards of the University. c. May from time to time recommend to the Cabinet d. Secretary a visitation of the University. e. May from time to time give advice to the Council which the f. g. Shall enjoy such powers and privileges and perform such h. other functions as may be provided in the charter. Nominees will be subjected to the due selection process as per the Universities’ Act No. 42 of 2012, the Moi University Charter and Statutes. A person shall only be appointed as a Chancellor where the person is of high moral character and integrity in accordance with Chapter Six of the Constitution. The submission of nominations, including the contact details (email and mobile number) and profile (including: Educational level, leadership role, resource mobilization capability) of the nominees, should be sent to the address below to be received on or before Tuesday ,9th October 2018 and addressed to the undersigned. The Vice Chancellor Moi University P. O. Box 3900-30100 ELDORET Email:vcmu@mu.ac.ke or vc@mu.ac.ke N/B:Those who had sent nominations need not to resend. Chancellor considers necessary for the betterment of the University.

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