PART I –PRELIMINARY In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 7(1) (a) and (g) of the Tourism Act Cap 383 of 2011, the Director General of the Tourism Regulatory Authority issues these National Guidelines for Tourism and Hospitality Events and Entertainment, 2018 to ensure the development and implementation of high quality tourism sector for sustainable tourism throughout the country. 1. Short Title These Guidelines maybe cited as the “Tourism Regulatory Authority National Guidelines for Tourism and Hospitality Events and Entertainment, 2018. 2. Definitions of Terms For the purposes of these guidelines, the following definitions shall apply; Act – The Tourism Act CAP 383 of 2011, Laws of Kenya. Amenity – The useful features or facilities of a place or establishment that make guests’ stay therein easier or pleasant. Association – A legal entity comprised of members of the same trade/profession governed by a Code of Practice. Child – A person under the age of eighteen (18) years. Code of practice – A set of written rules which guide the businesses operations and personnel working in the Tourism and Hospitality sector in Kenya. Entertainment - A form of activity that holds the attention and interest of an audience, or gives pleasure and delight that is associated with a feel-good effect, fun and laughter. Event/Entertainment enterprise event/entertainment business. – A legal entity engaged in Event/Entertainment provider – An individual or entity rendering event/entertainment service. Event/Entertainment venue – A location where events of entertainment take place. Entertainment/Event organiser – A person or an entity responsible for designing, production, promotion and overall coordination of an event. 8

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