GOSSIP opinion, this page has more of a positive eff ect. That way people have space to share their thoughts without feeling threatened because sometimes people judge your opinion on something and having a place where you can anonymously share it is very freeing.” She has sent an anonymous message to the page that has been posted. “I wanted my message to reach a certain person. I saw that this person follows the page and because I did not want to personally say this to the person, I wrote it there with hope that they will GIRL OF AUBG? With the growing popularity of the Instagram page, the number of people sharing their thoughts is increasing as well. “The account gets around 20 to 40 anonymous messages per day depending on the events on campus,” said the admin. take the hint.” I am the only person that knows what I wrote. I told some people about it, but no one has evidence that it was me. The fact that it is anonymous gives you the courage to say something you usually would not say,” she added. All the information received goes through a thoughtful sorting. The admin shared: “Directly harmful and biased hateful messages are never posted”. They also added: “I have received messages from people asking to delete the post about them and I instantly do.” “There is no way a full name gets posted, a good digital footprint is important,” said AUBG Spotted about the role of censorship. The admins of the page are The current admin stated: “Since May 2024 (the time when the admins of the page switched) the account has changed from being mainly a gossip page to a way to speak out when there is injustice.” They later added: “It also opens the fl oor to students to criticize the Student Government, the staff , and the faculty. An opportunity that we do not have in the university.” Editors: David Mitov and Eka Iakobadze Our anonymous source has been mentioned personally in a post. They shared their experience: “My friends sent the post to our group chat and I was like damn that is funny.” changing every year. They are chosen via direct messages (DM) and engagement. 5 Fall 2024 | AUBG Daily o Yo an Ly a ub en va

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