(continued from page 5- SThe Story of Mountainside High School) Connectedness means students feel their education relates to their real lives and future goals Students will gain real-life skills that reflect what new jobs demand and careers that interest our students. These opportunities are created by leveraging real-world learning mentorships, individualized learning plans and integrated technology across the curriculum. o REAL-LIFE SKILLS. Our economy and world are changing fast! Students will be better prepared for new jobs through internships, group projects, and workbased learning with local businesses. o DEEP RELATIONSHIPS AND LIFE MENTORS. Students will have a success coach (counselor/ admin/teacher) who will get to know them well and meet with them at least once a week. o INDIVIDUALIZED LEARNING PLANS. Every student is different. Students will learn at their own pace and make choices about the progress and timing of their lessons with the support of teachers and computerbased programs. Additionally, teachers will give students more personal support. o SMART USE OF TECHNOLOGY. Computers are the new textbooks. Students will be loaned their own computer or tablet to use for schoolwork, collaboration and homework. We leverage technology to create opportunities for STUDENT CHOICE in their learning across 4 specific areas: Time Students control the time of their learning Place Anytime, anywhere learning Pace Each student moves at their own unique pace Path Students have individualized plans Later start times, block scheduling, success coaches and small classes allow for individualized assistance and support. “Stronger Together!” Page 20 Leading up to the summer prior to the high school launch in August, it became quickly clear that adjustments and refinement would be required to open the high school safely in the midst of the pandemic. Wanting to be inclusive of all, surveys were implemented to gain feedback on how to best serve our students while maintaining the health and safety of everyone. Providing students with the opportunity to have their voice heard is crucial to the high school model. Doing so allows our students the ability to create, shape, and own their high school experience. The importance of voice inclusivity is also modelled as a district approach when it comes to staff and parent voice and was applied in the development of the district’s Return to Learn Plan aimed at meeting the challenges COVID-19 presented. Despite the FACILITIES REDESIGNED AROUND LEARNING IN FLEXIBLE SPACES Watch the video of our facility transformation: https://fb.watch/1pxARXL_AH/
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