(continued from page 10- Arizona County Schools Superintendent Spotlight) (see strong partnership with County Sheriff and County Superintendent’s office to ensure equitable educational opportunities to our detained students. Sheriff Dannels, Jail Commander Bradshaw, Superintendent Clay and Deputy superintendent Madden discuss future educational plans for the jail. Currently, services provided at the jail are Special needs services for students up to age 22 and educational services for minor students. Soon we will add transitional services for our students housed at the Santa Cruz Detention Center and provide adult education services which include GED preparation and testing. This collaboration will be great for our county and help lower the opportunity youth percentage rate which are students 16 – 24 years older not going to school or working https://www.expectmorearizona. org/progress/?location=State::Arizona) which is now at 13%. Collaborating with GradSolutions, LLC to form a County “Dropout Recovery” Accommodation school. This will potentially help reduce our Opportunity Youth rate (see Expect More Arizona www.expec tmor ear iz ona.or g/ progress/?locat ion=State: :Ar izona) which is currently at 13% (our goal is 7%) and helps our schools. Opportunity youth are 16 - 24 year olds not going to school or working. More information to come. GradSolutions have also donated ten Chromebooks to our County Education center. THANK YOU! We will use these devices for GED preparation or online education for our Quality & Service” (continued on page 26) www.canyonstatebus.com PHONE: 602-230-1515 TOLL FREE: 877-230-1515 Page 13 “Stronger Together!”
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