Page 8 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, DECEmbEr 29, 2023 ASKS| FROM PAGE 3 ing has appropriated funds to such, we are now beginning to see dramatic increases in our share of this investment. Second is the investment in a third fi re station on the west side of town. The cost of construction as well as any additional operating costs cannot be absorbed in our current or future operational budget. It will be important for both elected and appointed officials to communicate to the public and obtain town wide support for these important projects. –We are moving forward with the Town-Wide public safety communication infrastructure project. Our public safety communication infrastructure needs critical upgrades and replacement of the town’s older communication and infrastructure. Replacement of this infrastructure will ensure reliability and town-wide coverage for the portable and mobile radios and a needed investment in the Town-owned network to expand fi ber optics communication. –The Town is in the process of a water meter replacement project. This will cost approximately $6M. This system will be automated and let the Town residents know if there is an abnormality with their water usage. –Parks and playgrounds are always a priority with the Board. Town Meeting voted $2M during their last session for upgrading the parks and playgrounds. –The re-purposing of the offl ine schools is also an important goal, but we need to deal with the fi nancing of the Vocational School fi rst, as well as moving forward with a new fi re station on the west side of town. –Improved communication of important town-wide information to residents is also a priority of the Board, which includes timely updates on our Town’s website. –We need to schedule Show Cause hearings for the closed establishments that have all-alcoholic liquor licenses. We even have one restaurant (Longhorn) who has an all-alcoholic liquor license that never even opened in Saugus. Some of these establishments have had years to sell their license. I am sure we have restaurants in Town that would appreciate having one of these licenses which would help them with their business and Saugus would get the meal-tax revenue. Board of Selectmen Vice Chair Jeff rey Cicolini I would say the top story in 2023 was centered around the establishment of a charter committee and potentially changing certain aspects of our current form of government. Q: What are your top priorities for the new year? The priorities for the new year, that I consider top priorities considering the current board hasn’t met to establish the 2024 goals as of yet, would be: –3rd fi re station on the west side of town – gather results of the feasibility study and move the project forward by establishing a comprehensive communication plan to make sure our residents are informed on the fi nancial impact the borrowings will have on our residents so we can gather the support necessary to ensure it passes. –Assess the most current financial impact of the new vocational school project on Saugus and inform residents how it will impact their taxes. The cost of the project continues to increase dramatically so the impact needs to refl ect the most accurate cost to complete. --continued investment in fully inclusive parks and playgrounds ($2 million appropriated) with emphasis on Golden Hills which is in dire need of a full renovation. –continue with community input on repurposing of school buildings that are offl ine. This will help us assess the fi nancial impact of the various projects and how each will impact –Dog park – there is a constant demand from our residents for a conveniently located Dog Park in town. I would like us to continue to off er support to the town manager as he advances the dialogue with the Stanton foundation who will assess their support for a dog park in town to minimize the cost to our residents. –Maintain our AA+ bond rating to maximize the savings on borrowings which essentially translates to savings to our residents. I want to wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous 2024! Selectman Anthony Cogliano For me, the biggest story of 2023 was the failure to form the Charter Commission. It took everything I had to gather the signatures to get it on the ballot. But, we did it. After that, I have to tip my cap to the opposition, the scare tactics that they used prevailed. So you have to take your losses, pick up the pieces and move forward. I think trying to run 12 Campaigns, and getting the question to pass, cost me the Chairmanship of the BOS.... so again, tip my cap to Debra, she worked hard to regain her seat and I will support her every way I can in that capacity. I love this town, its people and I will go after it again in 2025. Q: What are your top priorities for the new year? My goals for 2024 would be the building of the west side fi re station, plans put in place ASKS | SEE PAGE 9

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