THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, DECEmbEr 13, 2024 Page 21 BEACON | FROM PAGE 19 depends on. Thanks to the voters who amended our Constitution to establish a fairer tax system, we can make Massachusetts more aff ordable for working families and start building an economy that works for everyone.” --- Andrew Farnitano, spokesperson for the Raise Up Massachusetts coalition, which led the campaign to pass the 2022 ballot question which imposed an additional 4 percent income tax, in addition to the fl at 5 percent one, on taxpayers’ earnings of more than $1 million annually. HOW LONG WAS LAST WEEK’S SESSION? Beacon Hill Roll Call tracks the length of time that the House and Senate were in session each week. Many legislators say that legislative sessions are only one aspect of the Legislature’s job and that a lot of important work is done outside of the House and Senate chambers. They note that their jobs also involve committee work, research, constituent work and other matters that are important to their districts. Critics say that the Legislature does not meet regularly or long enough to debate and vote in public view on the thousands of pieces of legislation that have been fi led. They note that the infrequency and brief length of sessions are misguided and lead to irresponsible late-night sessions and a mad rush to act on dozens of bills in the days immediately preceding the end of an annual session. During the week of December 2-6, the House met for a total of two hours and 53 minutes 37 minutes and the Senate met for a total of two hours and 50 minutes. .MonDec. 2House11:02 a.m. to1:01p.m. Senate 11:01 a.m. to1:09p.m. Tues.Dec. 3No House session No Senate session Wed. Dec. 4No House session No Senate session Thurs. Dec. 5House11:02 a.m. to 11:56a.m. Senate 11:13 a.m. to 11:55a.m. Fri.Dec.6No House session No Senate session Bob Katzen welcomes feedback at Bob founded Beacon Hill Roll Call in 1975 and was inducted into the New England Newspaper and Press Association (NENPA) Hall of Fame in 2019. SOUNDS | FROM PAGE 18 cer Paul Cancelliere have collaborated on a video that highlights the work the Town of Saugus’ Veterans’ Services Offi ce does to help local veterans and their families. In the video, Cancelliere explains how the Veterans’ Services Offi ce follows three main pillars in advocating for veterans. These pillars are: · Implementing a variety of state benefi ts to aid veterans and their families · Processing U.S. Department of Veterans Aff airs (VA) claims for veterans and off ering assistance for things such as homebuying, education, life insurance and burials · Community outreach by working with the Saugus Veterans Council to help put together events, such as the Memorial Day Parade, POW/MIA Recognition Day and the Veterans Day ceremony THE SOUNDS | SEE PAGE 22 Lawn and Yard Care SNOW PLOWING *REASONABLE RATES * PROMPT SERVICE * PARKING LOTS USA 781-521-9927 KNIVES & SCISSORS SHARPENED Sharp Services Inc. 222 Centre St., Saugus (617) 590-3500 Aging in Place? AmeriGlide offers affordable stair lifts to keep you safe on the stairs. Benefits of an AmeriGlide stair lift: Regain your independence Eliminate the risk of falls on the stairs Access all levels of your home CALL NOW TO SAVE $200 1-844-237-6716 r ON ANY STAIR LIFT! Call today and r FREE SHOWER P PLUS $1600 OFF GE 0 OFF 1-844-609-10661 walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value. Must present offer at time of purchase. CSLB 1082165 NSCB 0082999 0083445 With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-In Tub. Not applicable with any previous y Name_________________________________________ Address_______________________________________ City_______________ State_______ Zip ____________ CC# _______________________________ Exp. _____ Sec. code____ Advocate (City):___________________ Clip & Mail Coupon with Credit Card, Check or Money Order to: Advocate Newspapers Inc. PO Box 490407, Everett, MA 02149 Advertise in The Advocate! Call 781-233-4446 for great rates! Your Hometown News Delivered! EVERETT ADVOCATE MALDEN ADVOCATE REVERE ADVOCATE SAUGUS ADVOCATE One year subscription to The Advocate of your choice: $175 per paper in-town per year or $225 per paper out-of-town per year. SPECIAL OFFER Call Driveways from $35
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