THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, DECEmbEr 13, 2024 Page 15 sponsoring its fourth Wreaths Across America event – helping both Riverside and Old Burying Ground Cemeteries to remember and honor veterans by laying remembrance wreaths on the graves of our country’s fallen heroes. Band Concert tomorrow at Square One The combined Saugus Middle School and High School Band will be playing at the Square One Mall tomorrow (Saturday, Dec. 14) at 2 p.m. The band will be near the entrance by the closed Sears store. We figure the program will wrap up by 2:45 p.m. A Living Nativity in Saugus tomorrow A special Christmas celebration is set for Dec. 14 at New Hope Assembly, featuring live animals and costumed characters reenacting the birth of Jesus. New Hope Assembly will present its Living Nativity on Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m. on church grounds at 9 Assembly Dr. This special event offers a free, family-friendly afternoon filled with Christmas cheer. The Living Nativity will feature beautifully staged scenes bringing the story of Jesus’ birth to life in a unique and interactive way. Guests can walk through the Nativity station and experience the sights and sounds of the first Christmas. In addition to the Nativity, attendees can enjoy festive activities, including crafts, games, live Christmas music and free holiday treats, such as cocoa and baked goods. “This event is a wonderful opportunity to bring people together to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas,” said Jessica Jarosz from New Hope Assembly. “We look forward to welcoming everyone for an afternoon of joy and community spirit.” The event is free to the public, and no registration is required. For more information, contact New Hope Assembly at 781-233-6384 or visit their website. Bring your family and friends to experience the joy of the season and make special holiday memories. This week’s “Shout Outs” We received several nominations this week from readers who wanted to acknowlgo announced this week that area Republicans are confirmed for Jan.15 at 6:30 p.m. at Old Tyme Italian Cuisine in Lynn. DAR Parson Roby Chapter Regent Gail Cassarino, Vice Regent Wendy Renda, Corresponding Secretary Judith Askey (Courtesy photo of Joanie Allbee The Saugus Advocate) edge residents who make a difference and whose contributions lead to the betterment of Saugus. Joanie Allbee: “Hi I’d like to give a BIG Shout Out to ALL the BEHIND THE SCENES workers on FRIDAY & SATURDAY MORNING that make the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR ) WREATHS ACROSS AMERICA A SUCCESS! “Thank you! to the ones who volunteer their time, energy and trucks to transport wreaths to drop off sites and countless other duties to ensure Our Veteran’s graves are honored and covered with a wreath. Vice Regent Wendy Renda’s effort to correspond with Dept. of Defense Vietnam met with success. “Wendy states, ‘The Dept of Defense Vietnam Commemoration recognized Parson Roby Chapter as a Commemorative Partner. To assist and support a grateful nation in thanking and honoring our Vietnam War Veterans, their families, and those who served with, or in support of, the Armed Forces. It is part of the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War.’” Euguene Decareau: “I’d like to have a shout out for Lori Davis and the entire Saugus Senior Center Staff for making it one of the best in the state. They are magnificent. Lori is doing a magnificent job. And this is a happy group of people.” Precinct 2 Town Meeting Member Matthew Parlante: “I’d like to shout out my neighbor Kathy Crowley who consistently drags the barrels on the bike path up to the street corner for trash pickup on Mondays. She does that at Laurel Street, Eustis Street and Essex Street by the firehouse. Not only does she drag them up so the trash can be collected, but she puts new garbage bags in them and puts them back in their place. She’s done this each week for years and certainly deserves a shout out. “I’d also like to shout out our DPW dept. Those guys work hard all the time, but I’d especially like to shout them out for their hard work with putting up the Christmas lights around town and for their work with the annual tree lighting. It’s not easy for sure and they’ve done a tremendous job, our Town looks amazingly festive. Great job Saugus DPW!” Want to “Shout Out” a fellow Saugonian? This is an opportunity for our paper’s readers to single out – in a brief mention – remarkable acts or achievements by Saugus residents or an act of kindness or a nice gesture. Just send an email (mvoge@comcast.net) with a mention in the subject line of “An Extra Shout Out.” No more than a paragraph; anything longer might lend itself to a story and/or a photo. Wills, Trusts and Asset Protection Presentation The Saugus-Everett Elks Drug Awareness Committee and Eagle Bank are sponsoring a free Presentation for Wills, Trusts and Asset Protection. This event will be held on Monday, Dec. 16, from 10 to 11 a.m. at the Saugus Senior Center (466 Central St. in Saugus). Eagle Bank will be providing an attorney to discuss many issues: estate taxes, Medicaid, probate, property assignments, advantages and disadvantages of wills and living trusts, and much more. To attend this free event, please call the Saugus Senior Center at 781-231-4178. Light refreshments will be served. Walk-ins welcome. Area Republicans meet Jan. 15 Saugus Town Republican Committee Chair Chris Luon“I am looking forward to meeting you all. Some of you have responded, but if you can once again confirm whether you or how many from your committee will be attending, this will be helpful to make sure we have enough room. Your presence is important and will greatly contribute to the success of our meeting. As this is our first meeting, I would like to have each town do a small introduction and what the types of activities you do as a committee. Please pass the word around to anyone you think might be interested. The following towns have responded. Saugus, Lynn, Nahant, Middleton and Malden “If you have any contacts with other towns, please get in touch with them and let them know. Let us grow our republican numbers and take our State back.” Saugus 4-1-1 set for March 1, 2025 The Saugus 4-1-1 Committee would like everyone to know that the Saugus 4-1-1 event will be taking place on March 1, 2025. Invitations to all new residents as well as nonprofits will be mailed out in January. “We are looking forward to having this wonderful event for new residents as well as those who have been here for years to learn what Saugus has to offer!” Selectman Corinne Riley wrote in an email recently. “Also, if you have a local business or service to promote, send your request or further inquiries to Saugus411@gmail.com. There are ‘Welcome Bags’ that are given out to the new residents with all kinds of information which could include your business or services offered to our Saugus residents. Stay tuned for further updates!” Selectman Riley is the driving force behind the nifty program, which had well-attended events at the Saugus Middle-High School last year and in 2022. THE SOUNDS | SEE PAGE 18

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