Page 8 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, DECEmbEr 9, 2022 ‘Johnny the K was Absolutely Fabulous’ Super Shout Outs to Saugus Cultural Council and Veterans Early Learning Center PTO A huge thank you to the Saugus Cultural Council and the VELC PTO for bringing the amazing enrichment to the Veterans Early Learning Center. Johnny the K was absolutely fabulous. The Veterans Early Learning Center loved listening to and interacting with Johnny the K! We would not have been able to bring this wonderful enrichment program to the school if it was not for you. Johnny the K performs for kids at the Veterans Early Learning Center. (Courtesy photo to The Saugus Advocate by Kelley Donahue) SAVE THE DATE - Saugus High Class BBQ - August 26, 2023 at the Saugus Elks Grove T he Saugus High Class BBQ being held by Pete Nicolo and Mike Allan. ALL SAUGUS HIGH CLASSES WELCOMED. An early invite to assist some of our classmates, friends and family members that may have to make travel plans to attend. Most of us have kept in touch with some of our classmates/friends throughout the years. But what about the classmates/friends that you would love to see and have not seen in decades? This is what made our recent Saugus High Class BBQ this past September such a success. Use this event to reach out to anyone you would like to see! This past Saugus High Class BBQ had some classmates traveling from places as far away as - England, Hawaii, California, Florida, North Carolina and other parts of US. Many old friendships were rekindled, while new friendships with old Classmates were made. Some friends/ classmates had not seen each other in decades (over 40 years), while so many from surrounding classes mingled OP-ED | FROM PAGE 3 together and had a blast. Don’t wait any longer to see your Saugus High Class friends – please join us! PHOTOS ARE FROM THIS PAST SEPTEMBER 24TH, 2022 CLASS BBQ HELD AT THE SAUGUS ELKS ers within the Middle School/ High School, many students seem to lack basic respect for teachers and authority figures, and there seems to be little to no consequences for students who break rules and are disruptive to others. I have seen this flow over to sports as well. All of the above make it easy for parents to decide to opt for a private school education if they have the means to do so. I am forever grateful for the education I received from the Saugus school system. I can name every teacher I had in every grade – because they all had a positive impact on my life. I hope we can make changes to keep more students in our school system, and that those students are afforded the opportunity for a successful and rewarding high school experience. For now, the remaining hockey players at Saugus High will join forces with Peabody High (Peabody did not have a team last year), and the two schools will compete as a Co-op team in the Northeastern Conference this season. A Co-op is a two to three year commitment, so there may be an opportunity down the road for SHS to have its own Boys Varsity Hockey team again. Best wishes to the new Co-op team for much success. Finally, thanks to all former SHS Sachems Hockey players and coaches for 76 years of memorable high school hockey.

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