Page 6 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, DECEmbEr 9, 2022 The Kindness Quilt How a classroom project at the Veterans Early Learning Center inspired the Hammersmith Quilters Guild to craft a work of art By Mark E. Vogler E arlier this year, 584 students at the Veterans Early Learning Center produced a giant quilt that oozed with love from the colored paper patchworked hearts that were glued together as a “kindness quilt” and later presented to the Saugus Senior Center. “We were so impressed and thrilled by this random act of kindness,” Senior Center Director Laurie Davis recalled. “We hung the quilts on the walls of the Senior Center, where they stayed until the Quilters Guild approached us and asked if they could borrow the quilt. They wanted to return the kindness by turning the color paper squares into fabric squares and make the Veteran’s school a fabric quilt from the squares the children colored,” she said. On Wednesday, about 10 months after the kids’ paper quilt was presented to the Senior Center, Margie Berkowitch – the most-veteran member of the Hammersmith Quilters Guild who designed and coordinated the creation of the cloth quilt – presented it to four representatives of the Learning Center. “We just wanted to bring some joy to the Senior Center,” School Counselor Jenna Newhall said in an interview on Wednesday (Dec. 7) night after dinner and a special presentation by the local quilters guild. “I never imagined it would Pictured from left to right: Collaborating on a quilt, from paper to fabric, were Margie Berkowitch of the Hammersmith Quilters Guild; Veterans Early Learning Center staff Jenna Newhall, Lorraine Devine, Alison Belyea and Julie Covey and Saugus Senior Center Director Laurie Davis. (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler) get to this. In fact, I never knew that there was a quilt guild. This was a beautiful thing that they did, returning the kindness and love in return for the quilt we sent,” she said. Lorraine Devine, a special The fabric “Kindness Quilt” crafted by Margie Berkowitch and other members of the Hammersmith Quilters Guild was on display in the Saugus Senior Center on Wednesday night (Dec. 7) after it was presented to representatives of the Veterans Early Learning Center. (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler) Senior Center Director Laurie Davis admires the paper “Kindness Quilt” that was displayed on the walls of the Saugus Senior Center for several months this year. (Courtesy photo to The Saugus Advocate) education teacher; Alison Belyea, a fi rst grade teacher; and Julie Covey, a kindergarten teacher, were the other Early Learning Center staff who were treated to a potluck dinner prepared by the Quilters Guild on Wednesday night. “Something from the heart” When people think of the Hammersmith Quilters Guild, they think of 86-year-old Margie Berkowitch – a native Saugonian who was born in a house on Wickford Street and graduated from Saugus High School in 1954. The quilters guild has been in existence since 1982. Margie joined it in 1988. She served in about every position in the 120-member organization, which draws members from several communities in the area. Margie is the guild’s oldest and most veteran member, and she’s won a lot of prizes for her quilts over the years. She estimates she’s made more than 115 quilts. She doesn’t sell them and gives many of them away as gifts. At some point in late winter, the paper quilts from the young students – which were displayed on three diff erent walls – caught her eye. “When I looked at them, they looked like a quilt,” Margie said. “I was so inspired by this, I presented the idea to the guild. It was something from the heart that I was inspired to do by these young children; hopefully, they will continue to learn and be kind,” she said. “What the kids did has defi - nitely touched our hearts. Look around and you can see the ‘Be Kind’ signs on the walls here, which were inspired by these children. Sometimes, QUILT | SEE PAGE 7 A trusted family name combined with exceptional craftsmanship & professionalism. Call for a consultation & quote. 64 Years! • Vinyl Siding • Carpentry Work • Decks • Roofing • Replacement Windows • Free Estimates • Fully Licensed • Fully Insured

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