THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, DECEmbEr 9, 2022 Page 17 THE SOUNDS | FROM PAGE 16 ural resources of the Saugus River watershed. Friends of Breakheart notes The next event at Breakheart Reservation sponsored by the DCR is the First Day Hike on New Year’s Day. It is a wonderful way to start the New Year. Please check newspapers and flyers for further updates. Other activities are being planned to include the famous Maple Sugaring event and a park clean up when the weather improves. If interested in getting involved with the Friends Group, please call 781-233-1855 X19. Happy Holidays and look forward to seeing you at the Park. Superintendent’s Virtual Coffee Saugus Public Schools Superintendent Erin McMahon announced recently on her website that she will be holding a series of coffee meetings this year to give parents and caregivers an opportunity to talk about issues impacting the district face-to-face. “But I’ve heard from some families that in-person meetings during the school day can be difficult, she said. “To accommodate more families, I am holding a virtual meeting on Thursday, Dec. 15 from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. This is open to all families in the district. To join the virtual meeting, please use this link.” [https://us06web. zoom.us/j/89828336986?pwd=eG44VGsrTnJMNnJnNlFxWWJIbXRHQT09#success] “As a reminder, if you have specific concerns about your child, please contact your child’s teacher or principal. You may also contact my office at superintendent@saugus. k12.ma.us.” Legion breakfasts Saugus American Legion Post 210 is hosting its popular breakfasts from 8-9 a.m. on Fridays. The price is $8 for those who are looking for a delicious meal at Legion Hall. Bon appétit! “Holly Jolly” coming to The Kowloon The Kowloon Restaurant announced that the Holly Jolly Holiday Party with The Platters® Very Merry Christmas Show is slated for Friday, Dec. 16 at 8 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Showtime is 8 p.m. The Platters are set to perform live in concert – playing all their hits and holiday tunes. Tickets are $25 per person. All seats are reserved. The Platters – hailed a rock and roll, vocal, and Grammy® Halls of Fame group – will be joined by special guests Smokin’ Joe & the Henchmen. Kowloon food and beverage services will be available. For tickets: online ordering, front desk. Compost/Recycling DropOff Site closing for winter The Town of Saugus Compost/Recycling Drop-Off Site will close for the winter season on Saturday, Dec.10 at 2 p.m. The site will be open from 8 THE SOUNDS | SEE PAGE 18

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