THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, DECEmbEr 9, 2022 Page 11 Olivia Clark, a fifth-grader at the Belmonte STEAM Academy, cuddles a rabbit while a speckled Sussex bantam chicken competes for her attention. The Saugus Board of Selectmen and Town Manager Scott C. Crabtree gather around the Christmas tree in the first floor of Saugus Town Hall. Ada MacQueston, 2, tries to make friends with a goat at the Petting Zoo. Kids reach out to a goat at the Petting Zoo. Youth and Recreation Department Director Crystal Cakounes, Santa Claus and Town Manager Scott C. Crabtree huddle on the top steps of Saugus Town Hall. Joleen Jurczyk, of the Animal Craze Traveling Farm & Petting Zoo, holds her favorite pet: Steven Strange, the Goat. Anna Bartmon-Vigneaux, a third-grader at the Belmonte STEAM Academy, was thrilled to meet Santa. Precinct 2 Town Meeting Member Joe Vecchione with his daughter Amelia, 2 1/2 Dante Miller, a fourth-grader at the Belmonte STEAM Academy, got to be the first kid to greet Santa. Precinct 4 Town Meeting Member Maureen Whitcomb with her son Andrew Sean Rock carried his daughter Makenzie, 2, atop his shoulders. Brody Crabtree, 9, a fourth-grader at the Belmonte STEAM Academy, was happy to hang around with Santa.

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