THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, NOVEmbEr 18, 2022 Page 3 Saugus Welcomes seeks community help for an Afghan refugee family living in town (Editor’s Note: Members of the East Saugus Methodist Church and a volunteer group known as Saugus Welcomes issued the following letter this week, reaching out to the Saugus community.) I n December 2021, the Saugus community welcomed an Afghan refugee family. The father of the family had been employed by the U.S. government in Kabul; however, the fall of the Afghan government and takeover by the Taliban put the family in jeopardy. Our government evacuated them in the massive airlift in August 2021. They left everything behind, arriving with only what they could bring in a few suitcases. The family of parents and six children is currently being housed by the East Saugus United Methodist Church. Saugus Welcomes, a multi-denominational, volunteer group, is assisting them to resettle in our community. The family spoke almost no English when they arrived. Members of Saugus Welcomes are providing English lessons, transportation for medical visits and grocery shopping, and other similar assistance. The four school aged children love school and are doing well as they quickly learn English. Their father works full time at Target, biking a few miles to and from work daily since the family has no car. LETTER | FROM PAGE 2 nancially infeasible,” smack in the middle of the forest! And they did this knowing that an excellent site exists on the currently developed campus (site C2). Why did they choose C3? It appears that they wanted to avoid losing playing fields while the new school is being built (“least disruption to school operations”). However, if the school were built on C2, the high school and the Metro Tech would still have four fields between them, which could be shared during construction. When the new school is complete, the Metro Tech would gain an additional field when the old school is razed. Towns such as Arlington, Melrose, Natick, Saugus, Stoneham, Swampscott, as well as our own town of Wakefield, are finding ways to build Pastor Pat Oduor of the East Saugus United Methodist Church, which provides housing for an Afghan family of eight, received a check for $1,000 from Cathy and Ken Strum on behalf of the Green Street Baptist Church in Melrose. Pictured from left to right are Saugus Welcomes volunteers Sarah Sarnie, Simone Sarnie, Pastor Pat and Cathy and Ken Strum. (Courtesy photo to The Saugus Advocate) The federal refugee benefits provided for the first year after resettlement will expire at the end of 2022. The family will rely on the father’s wages, food stamps, and some state aid to pay for rent, food, clothing, and necessities. This assistance is insufficient to support a family of eight in Saugus. Saugus Welcomes asks for your financial support to help our neighbors as they integrate into American life and become self-sustaining, contributing members of our community. Funds raised will go toward rent, utilities, food, and other necessities of life. new high schools on their existing footprints. If they can do this, why can’t the Metro Tech? Looking at the environmental and fiscal costs of destroying the forest, the playing-field reason does not justify the committee’s decision. The real reason appears to be that they do not value the forest. It is simply a piece of land that they can develop, even though it is by far the costliest option, especially for site preparation. Why are we throwing away part of our precious remaining forest and contributing to further destruction of our planet? What kind of example does this set for our children? Have we learned nothing since 1965? Is there no way to stop this costly, heartbreaking loss before it’s too late? … and still build an excellent Metro Tech for our children? Donations can be made by check payable to the East Saugus United Methodist Church, with “Afghan Fund” noted on the memo line, and mailed to the church at 85 Chestnut Street, Saugus MA 01906 or via Paypal at paypal. me/eastsaugusumc or @eastsaugusumc and note “Afghan Fund” in the message. If you would like to learn more about this effort, please contact Pastor Pat Oduor at patriciaoduor@hotmail.com. “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” (Matthew 25:35) Sincerely, Alison Simcox Douglas Heath Wakefield SNOW BLOWER SALES, SERVICE & REPAIRS Pickup/Delivery Available 1039 BROADWAY, REVERE WWW.BIKERSOUTFITTER.COM These are the children of the Afghan refugee family that is receiving assistance from the East Saugus United Methodist Church and Saugus Welcomes volunteers. (Courtesy photo to The Saugus Advocate) 10% Off Senior Discount!

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