THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, NOVEmbEr 18, 2022 Page 17 THE SOUNDS | FROM PAGE 16 Want to “Shout Out” a fellow Saugonian? This is an opportunity for our paper’s readers to single out – in a brief mention – remarkable acts or achievements by Saugus residents or an act of kindness or a nice gesture. Just send an email (mvoge@ comcast.net) with a mention in the subject line of “An Extra Shout Out.” No more than a paragraph; anything longer might lend itself to a story and/or a photo. We have a winner! Congratulations to Fran Palczynski for making the right identification in last week’s “Guess Who Got Sketched” contest. Fran is one of several readers answering correctly, but she was the only one to have her name picked in a drawing from the green Boston Red Sox cap. Here’s the correct answer, offered by the person who goes by the name of The Sketch Artist: “The answer to last week’s sketch is Bill and Polly Stewart! Bill and Polly have been together since he first laid eyes on her at Lynn Beach! Fast forward: they are celebrating 65 plus years of marriage! “Bill Stewart is a humble man and the writer of The Saugus Advocate Sports column ‘The Old Sachem’ “Since Bill is a Veteran, author of his own column; and we are in the midst of celebrating Veterans Day! I’ve asked Bill for a little of his story, so without further delay, here’s Bill! “‘I’ve often been asked ‘What did you do in the Army?’ I was exempted from the draft after Saugus High School. I was selected for the General Electric Apprentice Program and attended M.I.T. Lincoln Institute, studying math & engineering. “‘I was exempted from the Military draft during this period but after completion of this program, I was Number ONE in Saugus to be drafted. “‘I could have gone to Antarctica to build the first station there but I would have been the lowest Sailor, because I had served in the National Guard during High School and instead of an E-5 position, I would be at my National Guard rank of E-2. “‘I enlisted in the Army for three years when they offered me 058 Morse Code Intercept Operator School at Ft. Devens, Ma. While at Ft. Devens; my wife, Polly had our first son Will. “‘Upon completion, The 058’s chose their destination based on class ranking; I copied 30 WPM And was in top ranking; my choices were: mountains of Turkey, Germany, Hawaii & Far East which included Korea & Japan. “‘My buddies chose Hawaii. I chose the Far East hoping to serve 14 mos. then return to Ft. Devens as an Instructor… Instead, I was assigned to the Northern Island of Hokkaido at the 12th Army Security Station not far from the Russians. THE SOUNDS | SEE PAGE 18

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