SAUGUS D D Your Local News & Sports Online. Subscribe to Advocate Online! Scan Here. CAT CAT SAUGUS SALUTES ITS VETERANS T During Monday’s Veterans Day observance at Veterans Park, members of Saugus Girl Scout Troop 83409 showed their appreciation to the town’s men and women who served in the nation’s Armed Forces. Pictured from left to right are Aaliyah Manos, 6; Abigail Hickman, 6; Dakota Marshall, 5; and Stephanie Surette, 5. Please see inside for more photos. (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler) E TE Vol. 26, No.46 -FREE- Published Every Friday 781-233-4446 Friday, November 15, 2024 A new DEP estimate says WIN Waste’s ash landfi ll could last four to fi ve more years By Mark E. Vogler he ash landfill located adjacent to WIN Waste Innovation’s waste-to-energy facility on Route 107 was estimated to reach full capacity by late next year or early 2026. WIN began trucking ash to a company disposal site in Shrewsbury in April in an effort to prolong the landfill’s life. A state Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) official said recently that the ash landfill located adjacent to WIN Waste Innovation’s waste-to-energy facility on Route 107 could last up to five more years. Mark Fairbrother, Solid Waste Section Chief of the MassDEP Northeast Regional Office in Woburn, noted that about 50 percent of the ash generated at the WIN plant is being transferred for off-site disposal. “Based on this, the estimated site life of the landfill is approximately 4-5 years,” Fairbrother wrote in an email last week. “This estimate is based on the calculated remaining air space divided by the past 3-year average estimated capacity utilized,” he said. But a permit which allows WIN to stage and transport ash is due to expire on Nov. 1, 2027 – about three years from now. “This permit is only valid for the time period it takes for the Landfill to reach its approved limits or a fixed term of ten (10) years from the effective date of this permit, whichever term expires first,” according to the first condition of the permit issued Nov. 1, 2017. Peter Manoogian, who chairs the town’s Ash Landfill Closure Committee, said he doesn’t agree with the recent four-to-five year site life estimate. “The Town of Saugus is relying on the Nov. 1, 2017 permit that clearly states that the ash landfill can only be used for a period not to exceed 10 years,” Manoogian said. “ This means that WIN Waste should be planning ASH LANDFILL | SEE PAGE 3 Mid-grade Regular $3.57 2.81 37 29 Over 45 Years of Excellence! Full Service $2.95 Order online at
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