THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, NOVEmbEr 11, 2022 Page 9 Saugonians cast their ballots during Tuesday’s General Election -By Tara Vocino S augonians cast their ballots at the polls at the Saugus Senior Center during Tuesday’s General Election. Lorraine and Jeff Pulicari and Carol Ann Green (in center) cast their ballots (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Veteran Leonard Nigro said he voted for Geoff Diehl, a Republican. Bertha Flores said it’s her civic duty to vote. Sean Reid and State Senator Brendan Crighton campaigned for his reelection. Simply put, thank you. We wanted to say Thank You to those that served our country. We are honored by your service and grateful for your patriotism. We’ll be closed Friday, November 11th in observance of the holiday. As always, you can access your accounts using our ATMs and Online & Mobile Banking. Thank you! Outside of the Senior Center during Tuesday’s General Election, Elizabeth (and future voter Stella) Perrotti said she’s voting yes on most of the questions, adding that she’s voting Democrat.

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