THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, NOVEmbEr 11, 2022 Page 17 THE SOUNDS | FROM PAGE 15 IP [indefinite postponement] on this,” Riley said when the question came up about indefinite postponement. I don’t intend to support the article, but I have other things to say about it and it is an important article to get everybody’s voice on. Thank you,” he said. Riley requested a correction from Town Clerk Ellen Schena in the Oct. 24 Special Town Meeting minutes and The Saugus Advocate after reading about the Roll Call vote in last week’s “Sounds of Saugus.” “Just so you know, I watched the Vimeo multiple times before I posted the meeting to make sure I had it correct,” Schena wrote in an email to Riley. She added that the town’s IT Department was looking into the matter as to why Riley’s vote was recorded inaccurately after she had taken steps to make sure the vote was recorded correctly. The acoustics of the second floor auditorium make it difficult sometimes to hear everything. But the video showed it was clear what Riley said on how he was going to vote on the IP motion. Many Town Meeting members understandably aren’t thrilled about ending debate on a resolution – which sort of goes against everything a New England Town Meeting stands for. The main argument raised by those who supported the measure’s indefinite postponement is the concern that passage of the measure might jeopardize ongoing negotiations between the town and WIN Waste Innovations on a Host Community Agreement (HCA). We have a winner! Congratulations to Debbie Cox for making the right identification in last week’s “Guess Who Got Sketched” contest. Debbie is one of several readers answering correctly. But she was the only one to have her name picked in a drawing from the green Boston Red Sox cap. Here’s the correct answer, offered by the person who goes by the name of The Sketch Artist: “Last week’s sketch is of Mrs. Brigitte Vaudo! Mrs. Brigitte Vaudo is holding her classroom mailbox. She is a fourth grade Saugus Belmonte STEAM Academy Teacher. “Brigitte has been teaching for twenty-four years plus and is a favorite of her students. Brigitte is known for her creative and exceptional innovative ways of teaching. “She thoughtfully applies herself with a love filled heart for teaching that overflows to her students in all she does. Mrs. Brigitte Vaudo and her class are the feature story and photos in The Saugus Advocate’s Nov. 4th Edition with a front-page photo and story and more photos on pages 5,6,7, ‘Cross GeneraTHE SOUNDS | SEE PAGE 18

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