THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2021 Page 9 THE SOUNDS OF SAUGUS | FROM PAGE 8 py times with parents involved. Susan created comforting times for children to be looking for bears … Many families were creative putting up scenes and displays with the bears in the windows for all to see and join in with Susan. “This all happened because of Susan’s idea and efforts she put forth. Susan was like a ray of sunshine in dark dismal skies to these kids and parents. “Susan who not only started a Be like Georgie facebook (to showcase bear sightings and fun things for families and children); she also sparked whole towns to get involved and City Hall too! Saugus Town Hall proudly displays Hope the bear! … Hope the Town Hall bear was donated by the Ricupero Family to inspire Saugus with Joy & Hope! “How cool is that! Susan Moriello Curry is a Marketing & Social Media Specialist and Founder of AdScoop. net (executive virtual Marketing) “Thank you Susan for All you do, you surely do shine! “Yours Truly, The Sketch Artist” This week’s special “Shout-Outs” We have a few “Shout-Outs” to share this week from loyal Saugus Advocate readers. The first one is from Shirley Bogdan: “The Saugus American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 210 met recently to pack up Christmas gifts for the veterans at Chelsea Soldiers Home. The Auxiliary has been collecting sox, underwear, pajamas, sweatpants, shirts, woolen hats, scarves, knitted lap robes etc. during the year. The girls boxed up 347 gifts with a value of $4,576.00. “Hopefully we will be able to deliver these gifts personally but if COVID restrictions are still in place these boxes will be delivered to the hospital’s front door! “After a COVID delay, the Auxiliary held a successful pasta dinner in September. We also participated in the flagging of graves for Memorial Day, Gordon Shepherd’s Civil War project at the cemetery, the POW/MIA ceremony, the World Series Lightening ceremony, and a private visit to the USS Constitution. The Auxiliary meets on the third Monday of the month at 12:30 P.M. at 44 Taylor Street from March until November. President Eleanor Gallo extends a warm welcome to anyone to come down and meet with us.” If you want to help, call Shirley at 781-233-1677. Jeanie Bartolo, who is a prolific “shout-out” artist and is the one who instigated this special feature in “The Sounds of Saugus,” offers two this week: “The first one is a repeat of a Shout Out from 2 years ago: ‘I think some after-election comic relief is needed. So I thought that a “Shout Out” should go to all the LAWN SIGNS in town for the candidates who had one. These sturdy, trusty, hard working LAWN SIGNS withstood sun, rain, wet leaves, winds AND a Nor’easter for their owners and have earned a well deserved rest and a Shout Out!’ “The second “Shout Out” is a huge thank you to our DPW Department for all their hard work cleaning up after last week’s Nor’easter. They truly did a great job. You guys are the best!!!” Want to “Shout-Out” a fellow Saugonian? This is an opportunity for our paper’s readers to single out – in a brief mention – remarkable acts or achievements by Saugus residents or an act of kindness or a nice gesture. Just send an email (mvoge@ comcast.net) with a mention in the subject line of “An Extra Shout-Out.” No more than a paragraph; anything longer might lend itself to a story and/or a photo. “Night of the Living Dead” still playing The Theatre Company of Saugus wants folks to know that they can still get to see the ongoing production of “Night of the Living Dead” by Lori Allen Ohm – which is based on the 1968 horror film of the same name by George Romero and John Russo. If you missed the Halloween weekend performances, there are three chances to catch the show this weekend. It’s playing today (Friday, Nov. 5) at 8 p.m. and tomorrow (Saturday, Nov. 6), also at 8 p.m. And the final performance is Sunday (Nov. 7) at 2 p.m. The performances will be in person at the American Legion Post 210 at 44 Taylor St. in Saugus. Tickets are $20-25 and can be purchased in advance online, or you can buy at the door for a slightly higher rate (and no guarantee of seating). There is limited space, so please plan accordingly. This production is being codirected by Sean Perry and Matthew Garlin. Similar to the film, a mysterious radiation has turned the dead into flesh-eating zombies. The play focuses on seven people trapped in a farmhouse who are trying to deal with the impending doom from the attacking zombies and trying not to get on each other’s nerves too much and survive the night. One-Day Holiday Delay Due to Observance of Veterans Day The Town of Saugus announced that the trash and recycling collection will run on a one-day delay on Friday and Saturday of next week. There will be no collection on Thursday, Nov. 11, due to the Veterans Day holiday. Services will resume on a one-day delay on Friday and Saturday. The compost site will be open normal hours on Saturday, November 13, 2021, from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. The Town of Saugus would like to thank everyone for their cooperation. Please contact Solid Waste/Recycling Coordinator Lorna Cerbone at 781-231-4036 with any questions. Fall curbside leaf collection The Town of Saugus announced that fall curbside leaf collection will take place during the weeks of November 15–19 and November 29–December 3. Residents may dispose of leaves curbside on their regularly scheduled collection day. Leaves should be left outside by 7 a.m. on the appropriate days. Please ensure that leaf containers are physically separated from trash and recycling. Paper leaf bags are the preferred method of leaf disposal. If you are using barrels, they must be clearly marked with yard waste stickers. Barrel covers must remain removed so that the leaves are visible. Plastic bags, cardboard boxes, branches and brush will not be accepted. Please note that separate trucks collect the rubbish, recycling and leaves, so the leaves may be collected at a different time of day. “Missed pick-ups” will not be conducted. Please contact Lorna Cerbone at 781-231-4036 with any questions. Want to be a Knight? The Knights of Columbus is looking for new members to join. If interested in becoming a member of this local organization, please call 781-233-9858. Household Hazardous Waste Day – Nov. 13 Residents are invited to dispose of their household hazardous waste in an environmentally responsible manner during a collection event on Saturday, November 13, from 9 a.m. to noon. This event will be held at the Belmonte Upper Elementary School located at 25 Dow St. This year it will be a contactless event; there will be no preregistration. Residents must stay in their vehicles and hold up a driver’s license, and all materials must be placed in the trunk or rear of the vehicle. The rain-or-shine event will allow residents to dispose of a series of household waste products, including rubber cement, airplane glue, fiberglass resins, aerosol cans, photo chemicals, furniture polish, floor and metal polish, oven cleaner, drain and toilet cleaner, spot remover, rug and upholstery cleaner, hobby and artist supplies, photography chemicals, turpentine and chemistry sets. The following garage supplies will also be accepted: fuel, gasoline, kerosene, engine degreaser, brake fluid, carburetor cleaner, transmission fluid, car wax, polishes, driveway sealer, car batteries, antifreeze, cesspool cleaners, roofing tar, swimming pool chemicals, motor oil and car batteries. Accepted workbench waste includes oil-based paints, stains, varnishes, wood preservatives, paint strippers or thinners, solvent adhesives and lighter fluid. Residents may also bring the following yard waste: weed killer, chemical fertilizers, flea control products, moth balls, poisons, insecticides, herbicides, pesticides and fungicides. Residents are urged to take caution when transporting household hazardous materials. Locals may do so by keeping the materials in their original containers, tightening caps and lids, sorting and packing products separately and packing containers in sturdy upright boxes padded with newspaper. Please remember never to mix chemicals or to smoke while handling hazardous materials. The hazardous household waste collection will not accept commercial waste. Residents will be limited to two car loads – the equivalent of 50 pounds or 50 gallons – of hazardous waste. The following items will not be accepted: empty containers or trash, latex paint, commercial or industrial waste, radioactive waste, smoke detectors, infectious and biological wastes, ammunition, fireworks, explosives, fire extinguishers or syringes. TVs, computers and car tires may be recycled at the drop-off site located at 515 Main St. on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Town of Saugus would like to thank everyone for their cooperation. Please contact Solid Waste/Recycling Coordinator Lorna Cerbone at 781-231-4036 with any questions. Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus program (Editor’s Note: The following info is from an announcement submitted by Julie Cicolini, a member of the Board of Directors for Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus, providing information about the return of the program for the new school year.) Who we are: Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus (HS2) is a nonprofit group of volunteers helping to offset food insecurity in households. HS2 provides students/ families that enroll in the program a supply of nutritious food for when school lunches and breakfasts are unavailable to them on weekends. How HS2 can help you: HS2 bags are distributed at school on Fridays to take home. Bags include such items as peanut butter, jelly, a loaf of bread, canned meals/soups/tuna/vegetables, pasta/sauce, fruit cups, cereal, oatmeal, goldfish, pretzels and granola bars. To sign up to complete online form: https://forms.gle/gmMGguycSHBdziuE9. Want to partner with us? HS2 relies on donations to create take-home bags for a weekend full of meals. All food is provided to children free of charge. It is our hope these resources will support the health, behavior and achievement of every student who participates. We would love to partner with organizations, youth groups, PTOs, businesses and individuals to assist in feeding students of Saugus. To learn more about how you can partner with us, visit the Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus Facebook page or email us at HS2Saugus@gmail.com. Checks can also be sent directly to: Salem Five c/o Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus, 855-5 Broadway, Saugus, MA 01906. Online donations can also be made at https://givebutter.com/HealthySaugus. HS2 is accepting nonperishables to support the program. Items can be dropped off in a designated donation bin at the Saugus Town Hall lobby. Items have been carefully chosen and we ask that donations are not expired and come only from this list: – Macaroni & cheese, 7.5 oz. – Peanut butter, 15 oz. – Jelly (squeeze plastic bottles) – Canned vegetables (i.e., sliced carrots, green beans, peas, corn), 15 oz. – Canned tuna, 5 oz. – Canned chicken, 10 oz. THE SOUNDS OF SAUGUS | SEE PAGE 14

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