THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2021 Page 3 ~ THE ADVOCATE ASKS ~ The 2003 Saugus Boys of Summer share their best Little League World Series memories Editor’s Note: Last Sunday (Oct. 31), 11 of the 12 members of that celebrated 2003 Saugus American Little League team which advanced to the U.S. championship game against Boynton Beach, Fla., at the Little League World Series in South Williamsport, Pa., appeared at World Series Park in Saugus. They showed up to help their teammate Dario Pizzano, who organized a fundraiser for multiple sclerosis (Mission Stadiums for Multiple Sclerosis [MS4MS]). Pizzano, whose mother, Traci, has suff ered with MS for several years, has been actively involved in fundraising for MS4MS for the last two years. For this week’s edition, we decided to devote “The Advocate Asks” to Saugus’s most famous Little League team, which fi nished second in the U.S. and fourth in the world during the 2003 Little League World Series. We asked each of the players attending last Sunday’s event to talk about their most memorable moment during that baseball summer of 2003. Joe Kasabuski, who lives in San Diego, was unable to attend the event. Highlights of our interviews follow. Dario Pizzano, 30, of Hoboken, N.J.: He has completed his 10th season of professional baseball in the Minor Leagues as an outfi elder and fi rst baseman and still aspires to make it to the Major Leagues one day. He was a big star on the 2003 Little League World Series team, scoring the winning run in a 14-13 thriller over Richmond, Texas, to advance to the Final Four of the Little League World Series. “For me, scoring that winning run on Dave Ferreira’s swinging bunt and playing in that incredible game against Texas is the best memory – what an awesome feeling we all shared when we scored the winning run and moved on to the semibaseman on his hometown Little League World Series team. He now runs his family business: New Deal Fruit of Revere. He played for four years on the baseball team at Fisher College in Boston. “Just the diff erent experiences we shared as teammates – as I get older, it truly resonates that what we did was special. We’re still the same kids, just diff erent responsibilities now. But what we did that summer was remarkable.” Anthony DiSciscio, 30, of Saugus: He was the fi rst baseman and also played in the outfi eld. “The camaraderie and the TOGETHER AGAIN: Last Sunday (Oct. 31) was the latest encore appearance by the 2003 Saugus Little League World Series team, which made it all the way to the Final Four of that year’s championship series – Number Two in the United States. On Oct. 31, 11 of the 12 players on that team were recognized at the beginning of an MS4MS fundraiser at World Series Park. Pictured from left to right are Mike Scuzzarella, Anthony DiSciscio, Yano Petruzzelli, Tyler Grillo, Dave Ferreira, Craig Cole, Manager Rob Rochenski, Matt Muldoon, Coach Charlie Bilton, Tyler Calla and Dario Pizzano. Missing from the photo are Joe Kasabuski, Mark Sacco and Ryan Bateman. (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler) final round. We finished second in the U.S. and fourth in the world. And then there was the whole fun ride of getting there. We were all best friends who enjoyed playing baseball together and hanging out with each other. Living with the guys away from your parents, traveling around diff erent states while playing baseball was pretty darn special. Those were great times – and we’re still very close friends.” Tyler Grillo, 30, of Saugus: He was an outfi elder. “The best part of it for me was making good friends with all of these guys. It’s crazy years later, how good friends we still are. Great friends till this day.” Yano Petruzzelli, 30, of Methuen: He was the third life experiences with all of these guys – looking back, it’s still something very special to all of us.” Dave Ferreira, 31, of Saugus: He’s a construction worker of Local 22. He played in the outfi eld and drove in the winning run on a swinging bunt in a 14-13 win over Richmond, ASKS | SEE PAGE 4 We salute our veterans and thank them for their service and sacrifice. 100 Salem Turnpike, Saugus, MA 01906 win-waste.com

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