Page 18 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, OCTObEr 28, 2022 THE SOUNDS | FROM PAGE 17 groups would seek to have members such as these two!) Ed and Jean met at John Hancock, where they both worked in departments next to each other. Ed asked her on a date and they became an item and were married in 1952. They are celebrating over 52 years of marriage with the apparent closeness of honeymooners! “Ed worked a few years at Hancock & then worked as a Boston Custodian and retired after 35 years. Jean was a Campfire Girl (which it’s fun to still hear the ‘Wohelo’ welcome shared among Campfire Girls of the past!). Jean was a member of the (Masons sponsored) ‘Blue Belle Highlanders’ of all girls with Bagpipes and drums! Jean played the bagpipes. The band’s manager had booked them as far as Canada for the Highlander Games. They performed in New York at World’s Fair, Boston Garden, local parades, Topsfield Fair and marched the Masons to church under the swords at the Masons’ special functions! The BlueBelle Highlanders and their music were in demand. The most requested song was ‘Scotland the Brave’! Jean was in the Blue-belle Highlanders from 1961-1966. “Ed and Jean are longtime Saugonians and love Saugus and their neighbors! They give excellent support and participation in many events, often from the sidelines with encouragement & warm smiles. “A few of their favorite events include Founders Day and St. John’s Annual sit down Roast Beef dinner which is fantastic (recently it has been take out due to the pandemic but they were in line for take out!) “Ed’s and Jeans attitude reminds me of another quote by Groucho ‘I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose what it shall be. Yesterday is dead, Tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet, I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it!’ – Groucho Marx “Ed and Jean are great neighbors to have; great friends to be privileged to know. “Yours Truly, “The Sketch Artist” Legion breakfasts Saugus American Legion Post 210 is hosting its popular breakfasts from 8-9 a.m. on Fridays. The price is $8 for those who are - LEGAL NOTICE - NOTICE OF INITIAL SITE INVESTIGATION AND TIER I CLASSIFICATION Mobil Station #2717 1123 Broadway Saugus, Massachusetts 01906 MassDEP Release Tracking Number (RTN) 3-37137 Pursuant to the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) Section 310 CMR 40.0480, an Initial Site Investigation has been performed at the above referenced location. A Threat of Release of oil and/or hazardous materials (OHM) condition exists at this location which is a disposal site (defined by M.G.L. c. 21E, Section 2). This site has been classified as Tier I, pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0500. Response actions at this site will be conducted by Global Companies LLC of Waltham, Massachusetts who has employed Mr. Daniel Felten, (LSP No. 7432) to manage response actions in accordance with the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (310 CMR 40.0000). M.G.L. c. 21E and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan provide additional opportunities for public notice of and involvement in decisions regarding response actions at disposal sites: 1) The City Manager and Board of Public Health of the community in which the site is located will be notified of major milestones and events, pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1403; and 2) Upon receipt of a petition from ten (10) or more residents of the municipality in which the disposal site is located, or of a municipality potentially affected by a disposal site, a plan for involving the public in decisions regarding response actions at the site will be prepared and implemented, pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1405. To obtain more information on this disposal site and the opportunities for public involvement during response actions, please contact Mr. Daniel Felten, LSP, Atlas Technical Consultants LLC, 10 State Street, Suite 100, Woburn, MA 01801 at (781) 932-9400. October 28, 2022 Saugus seeks student poll workers Town Clerk Ellen Schena’s Office is looking for student election workers. It is a great way for them to learn how their government functions and how important it is to vote. Sixteen-year-old students are eligible to work a half day (six to eight hours); 17-18-year-old students may work a full day (eight to 12 hours). All students can receive community service, which is imperative to them in order to satisfy their High School requirement mandated for graduation, or they can be paid for their hours worked. In addition, the Town Clerk’s Office will gladly write letters of recommendation for National Honor Society, colleges, etc. Interested students can stop by Town Hall or contact the Town Clerk’s Office to apply for work. Ask for Andrew DePatto, the Saugus Election Coordinator. He can be reached at 781-231-4102. “We still need election workers for Nov 8th – either students or regular citizens,” Ellen said this week. Last Call for Veterans Day Field of Flags Preparations for the Veterans Day Field of Flags to be placed on the lawn of the Saugus Town Hall to honor and remember all veterans on Nov. 11, 2022, is underway. But the deadline to sponsor flags is Sunday, Oct. 30.The Parson Roby Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is sponsoring this event to honor all veterans, living or deceased, including those currently serving. looking for a delicious meal at Legion Hall. Bon appétit! A chance to vote early The Town Clerk’s Office reminds all registered Saugus voters that the First Week of Early Voting for the Nov. 8 General Election concludes today (Friday, Oct. 28), from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the Community Room of the Saugus Public Library (295 Central St.; enter via the Taylor Street entrance). The Second Week of Early Voting Tomorrow (Saturday, October 29 – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (last day to register to vote) No Sunday Monday, October 31 – 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, November 1 – 8:15 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, November 2 – 8:15 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday, November 3 – 8:15 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, November 4 – 8:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. American flags may be sponsored through the Parson Roby Chapter DAR at a cost of $5 each. The flags will be placed on the Saugus Town Hall prior to Nov. 11 and will wave throughout the week until Nov. 11. Flags may be sponsored to honor a family member, friend, neighbor or employee who served our country. You may send a check ($5 per flag) made payable to Parson Roby Chapter along with the Name/Rank/ Branch of Service/ Years or War of the veteran and mail to Treasurer, 88 Main St., Saugus, MA 01906. After noon on Nov. 11, you can pick up your sponsored flag to either keep or put on a grave. Last year (2021) was our first year sponsoring the Field of Flags and it was a huge success. So many members of the community stopped by to thank us for remembering our veterans this way. There were more than 100 flags sponsored with veterans’ names waving in the wind, and we hope for many more veterans to be sponsored this year. All proceeds from the Veterans Field of Flags will support the Daughters of the American Revolution’s mission to preserve American history and secure America’s future through education and promoting patriotism. For more information on how to sponsor a flag or in joining the Parson Roby Chapter DAR, please email parsonroby.saugusdar@gmail.com. “Holly Jolly” coming to The Kowloon The Kowloon Restaurant announced that the Holly Jolly Holiday Party with the Platters Very Merry Christmas Show is slated for Friday, Dec. 16 at 8 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Showtime is 8 p.m. The Platters are set to perform live in concert – playing all their hits and holiday tunes. Tickets are $25 per person. All seats are reserved. The Platters – hailed a rock and roll, vocal, and Grammy Halls of Fame group – will be joined by special guests Smokin’ Joe & the Henchmen. Kowloon food and beverage services will be available. For tickets: online ordering, front desk. Fall Curbside Leaf Collection is underway The Town of Saugus announced that fall curbside leaf collection will take place during the weeks of Oct 24–28, Nov. 14– 18 and Nov. 28–Dec. 2. Residents may dispose of leaves curbside on their regularly scheduled collection day. Leaves should be left outside by 7 a.m. on the appropriate days. Please ensure that leaf containers are physically separated from trash and recycling. Paper leaf bags are the preferred method of leaf disposal. If you are using barrels, they must be clearly marked with yard waste stickers. Barrel covers must remain removed so that the leaves are visible. Plastic bags, cardboard boxes, branches and brush will not be accepted. Please note that separate trucks collect the rubbish, recycling and leaves, so the leaves may be collected at a different time of day. “Missed pick-ups” will not be conducted. What’s happening at the Saugus Public Library For schoolchildren looking for interesting projects and programs to participate in this fall, there’s plenty to do at the Saugus Public Library. Just Sew! Saugonians are welcome to join a monthly sewing class for adults that will be held on the third Monday of each month from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Community Room of Saugus Public Library. The next meeting is Monday, Nov. 21. The class will cover basic topics like sewing buttons, hemming clothing and mending torn fabric and will move onto more advanced topics in the coming weeks. This class is free. (See sauguspubliclibrary.org) A neat, new teen group called Manga & Anime Club: The Manga & Anime Club began recently. And, from all accounts, it’s a lot of fun for kids in Grades 6 and up. So, if you are curious, check out the Teen Room. Chat with friends! Make crafts! Try Japanese snacks! Club meetings will continue on Saturdays, through May, from 10-11 a.m. They will be held on Nov. 12, Dec. 10, Jan. 7, Feb. 4, March 4, April 1 and May 13. Please sign up in advance; call 781-231-4168 or stop by the Reference Desk. https://www. sauguspubliclibrary.org/newmanga-anime-club.../ – Saugus Public Library, 295 Central St., Saugus, Mass. Learn about crystals on Nov. 3: If you have a passion or just a passing interest in geology, go ahead and check out “All About Crystals with Leeza Masia,” which is set for Thursday, Nov. 3, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the Brooks Room of the Saugus Public Library. This presentation is geared toward kids in the fifth grade and up. Leeza will be showcasing some of her favorite crystals from her personal collection. She will talk about geological & metaphysical aspects of crystals and how to cleanse and “charge” any stone. Learn which chakras particular crystals associate with and how to make two types of crystal grids. There will be a crystal giveaway at the end of the workshop! Please sign up THE SOUNDS | SEE PAGE 19

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