Page 2 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, OCTObEr 20, 2023 TOWN MEETING | FROM PAGE 1 four or more meetings during the current term. • Half of those members (six) attended just 50 percent or less of the meetings. • Three of the members attended just six of the 14 meetings. • Three members missed eight of the 14 Annual and Special Town Meetings that have been held since a Dec. 16, 2021, Zoom videoconferencing meeting. • Sixteen members were absent at a Special Town Meeting held on June 26th of this year. Among those absent were four of the five members of Precinct 3 and three of five members from Precinct 8. • Precinct 3 had the worst overall attendance record among the town’s 10 precincts – 64 percent. • Precinct 8 had the next-toworst attendance record – 67 percent. • During the 14 meetings (annual and special) of the Town Meeting over the past two years, there were an average of eight members absent from each meeting. Reasons why members miss meetings “I see empty seats at Town Meeting,” Precinct 2 Town Meeting member Robert J. Camuso, Sr., said Monday night (Oct. 16) as the opening speaker during the first of three consecutive nights of Charter Commission forums cosponsored by SaugusTV and The Saugus Advocate. Camuso, who had perfect attendance at the 14 meetings held by the Town Meeting over the past two years, said he believed residents in a few Saugus precincts aren’t getting good representation. “There’s 50 of us. If we have a constant 38 to 40 (76 to 80 percent attendance) board, if you would like for me to represent Precinct 2 and have a vote for Precinct 2 …. If I’m not there, I let you down,” he said. So, what should be characterized as “a poor attendance record” for a Town Meeting member? Anything lower than 70 percent? The Saugus Advocate put those questions to Town Moderator Steve Doherty, a Precinct 4 Town Meeting member who had perfect atOur 51st Anniversary Dan - 1972 We Sell Cigars & Accessories! ALL MAJOR BRANDS Singles * Tins * Bundles * Boxes * Travel Humidors * Desk Top Humidors * Many Types of Lighters * Ash Trays * Juuls * Vapes * Glass Pipes * Rewards Program * CBD Infused Products * GIFTS UNDER $30 - GIFT CERTIFICATES SMOKER’S DELIGHT! 15 HANDMADE CIGARS! Four-Year-Old Tobacco * 100% Long Filler * Cellophane $49.95 NEW STORE HOURS: Sun. - Wed.: 9AM - 6PM / Thurs. - Sat. 9AM - 7PM R.Y.O. TOBACCO & TUBES ON SALE! WE MAKE HOUSE KEYS! Green Label Cigar Sale! Buy 2 Cigars, Get One FREE! A.B.C. CIGAR 170 REVERE ST., REVERE (781) 289-4959 Chris 2023 Town Moderator Steve Doherty says that “when citizens vote for any elected official, they have an expectation that that person is going to commit the time necessary to give the position its due diligence. (Saugus Advocate file photo by Mark E. Vogler) tendance. “It depends on the circumstances,” Doherty answered. “If someone is in a serious accident and, as a result, misses three or four weeks of meetings, but is otherwise reliable, they shouldn’t be lumped in with someone who misses every other meeting with no excuse,” Doherty wrote in an email to The Saugus Advocate. “First of all, I understand that there are several legitimate reasons why someone may miss a Town Meeting session. Some examples would be illness, a family emergency or, in the case of a Special Town Meeting, which can sometimes come up on short notice, they may have vacation or other plans that place them out of town at that time and can’t be changed,” Doherty said. “That said, when citizens vote for any elected official, they have an expectation that that person is going to commit the time necessary to give the position its due diligence,” he said. Precinct 9 Town Meeting Member Robert J. Long – who served as Town Moderator for TOWN MEETING | SEE PAGE 3

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