THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, OCTObEr 20, 2023 Page 15 The Sounds of Saugus By Mark E. Vogler Good morning, Saugus! This time next week, your head might be spinning a little as you try to do some homework on the 27 candidates running for nine seats on the Saugus Charter Commission in the Nov. 7 town election. I know my head was whirling at high speed this week after having completed the task of moderating three straight nights (Monday-Wednesday) of forums in the second floor auditorium at Town Hall, which were attended by 23 of the candidates. In my 51 years as a newspaper reporter covering local politics, I have never had to interview so many candidates.in one setting. In my days as the Lake County government reporter for The Leesburg Commercial in Central Florida, I had to cover a dozen candidates running for county commission – but not all at once. And it was kind of a fun assignment, because I had to travel all over the country, meeting the candidates at their homes or offices. I was assigned to do long human interest pieces for the paper. And it was a lot of fun, doing magazine length interviews. It was manageable, too, because my work was spread out over a couple weeks. The recent forums I moderated in Saugus Town Hall were a lot more challenging, especially organizing a plan of action and sending emails to the candidates on very short notice. But, after three nights of talks from candidates whose names will be on the Nov. 7 election ballot, at least the voters will have a good source of knowledge about the Charter Commission candidates and the process for studying and making refinements in Saugus government – if that’s an option that Saugus voters want to consider. Stay tuned. SAVE Selectmen candidates forum Oct. 25 Saugus Action Volunteers for the Environment (SAVE) will sponsor a forum for candidates for the Board of Selectmen on Wednesday, Oct. 25, starting at 7 p.m. at the Saugus Town Hall Auditorium (298 Central St.). Doors will be open to the public at 6:30 p.m. for this free event. As we have in the past, SAVE provides this public-service forum for candidates for the Board of Selectmen so that each candidate can share their views of the critical environmental issues facing our town. The event will also be televised live on Comcast Channel 8 by SCTV in order to reach as many residents as possible. In addition, the public will be able to view the event the following day at https://vimeo.com/saugustelevision. SAVE hopes the public will plan to join us for this informative event. For more information about SAVE, please contact Ann at http://adevlin@aisle10.net. You can also visit our website at http://www.saugussave.com or follow the link to our Facebook page. Food Pantry notes The Saugus United Parish Food Pantry is open today (Friday, Oct. 20) from 9:30-11 a.m. Legion Breakfast today There’s a good breakfast deal for Saugus veterans and other folks who enjoy a hearty breakfast on Friday mornings. The American Legion Post 210 at 44 Taylor St. in Saugus offers Friday morning breakfasts for the 2023-24 season. Doors open at 7:30, with breakfast served from 8-9:00 a.m. for an $8 donation. Veterans who cannot afford the donation may be served for free. Special “Shout Outs” Joyce Vecchiarelli, of Peter A. Rossetti Insurance Agency, Inc., is grateful that things are falling into place as other organizers are preparing for the First Annual Pet Parade, which is set for next Saturday, Oct. 28: “We would like to thank the following people for their participation in Breakheart’s First Annual Pet Parade taking place on Saturday October 28. Registration begins at 10:00. Saugus Animal Hospital, Poochies Dog Grooming and Bry-Anne Mustone, animal trainer to name a few. Costumes are optional prizes for best costume and best personality.” There will be Raffle prizes and giveaways. Want to “Shout Out” a fellow Saugonian? This is an opportunity for our paper’s readers to single out – in a brief mention – remarkable acts or achievements by Saugus residents or an act of kindness or a nice gesture. Just send an email (mvoge@ comcast.net) with a mention in the subject line of “An Extra Shout Out.” No more than a paragraph; anything longer might lend itself to a story and/ or a photo. The DAR cleanup team spruced up Appleton’s Pulpit last Sunday. (Courtesy photo to The Saugus Advocate by Joanie Allbee) Hammersmith Quilters Show – Nov. 4-5 The Hammersmith Quilters Show: Around the Block is just two weekends away. It is set for Nov. 4, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Nov. 5, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Saugus Senior Center at 466 Central St. Admission is $6; age 12 and under free. There will be quilts on display, a boutique with quilts and homemade items for sale, vendors, penny sale baskets and more! The show will feature a featherweight sewing machine raffle as well. Handicap accessible and plenty of parking. Appleton’s Faithful Workers On Sunday, Oct. 15, the Parson Roby Chapter of the Daughter’s of the American Revolution, Regent and Woman of the Year 2023 Gail Cassarino, Vice Regent Wendy Renda and Chaplain Jacalyn Bracewell and Jack Klecker 2023 Man of the Year were out cleaning, raking, weeding and planting new fall / winter plants at Appleton’s Pulpit. Jack Klecker’s truck was filled to the brim with bags of leaves and sticks. To quote the sign on Appleton’s pulpit “In 1687 Major Appleton of Ipswich made an announcement on this rock denouncing the tyranny of the Royal Governor Sir Edmond Andros a watch was stationed on the hill to give warning of any approach of the Crown Officials.” D.A.R. has taken on this area for restoration as their project; submitted by Joan Allbee, secretary of the DAR work team. A pet parade at Breakheart Breakheart Reservation will host its First Annual Pet Parade on Saturday, Oct. 28 at 10:30 a.m. in front of the Christopher Dunne Visitor Center, 177 Forest St., Saugus. A $10 cash only donation is requested to enTHE SOUNDS | SEE PAGE 17 American Legion Post 69 to Host Monthly Karaoke Night American Legion Post 69 will host its monthly karaoke night on Friday, October 27 from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM. The event is open to the public and all are welcome to attend. Karaoke is a fun and entertaining way to spend an evening with friends and family. It’s also a great way to meet new people and make new friends. At American Legion Post 69, karaoke is held in a casual and relaxed atmosphere, so everyone can feel comfortable participating. No matter what your singing ability is, you’re sure to have a good time at karaoke night at American Legion Post 69. There’s a wide selection of songs to choose from, so you’re sure to find something you enjoy singing. If you are unable to be with us, there will be another karaoke night on November 10. American Legion Post 69 is located at 75 Meridian Street, Malden. For more information about the karaoke night events, please call (617) 324-9570. All are welcome to attend this fun and entertaining event!

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