THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, OCTObEr 13, 2023 ~ Political Announcement ~ Page 5 Linda Bell seeks Precinct 9 TM seat L inda “Lin” Bell has announced her candidacy for Precinct 9 Town Meeting Member. Linda has been a Saugus resident for 28 years residing on Sherwood Forest Lane. Now retired, Linda feels it is important for single homeowners to have a voice in their town government. “As a taxpayer and a rate payer I am sensitive to the increasing costs that retirees on fixed incomes face,” states Linda. “I am committed to making sure that Saugus remains a full-service community with fully staffed public safety departments, a certified library, and active senior and youth centers,” she points out. Linda holds an Associate’s Degree from Newbury College and worked in the banking industry for over 30 years. She has been both a Notary Public and a bonded bank officer, both positions which require candidates to maintain fidelity and trust. She has also worked in the travel and hospitality industry planning both local and international events. Linda enjoys her time volunteering for the Big Sisters of Greater Boston, someon the Board of Directors for Friends of Breakheart. She has a love of both the environment and animals. She was a Docent and Animal Care Volunteer at the Stone and Franklin Park Zoos for over 27 years. While a Docent, she also served as President of their Council. Linda also volunteered at Ironstone Farm in Andover in their Equine Therapy Program. Linda “Lin” Bell (Courtesy photo to The Saugus Advocate) thing she has done for the past 17 years. She has served Palomba seeks TM reelection in Precinct 1 S ue Palomba, of 73 Appleton Street Saugus, has announced that she will seek re-election to the Saugus Town Meeting Representing Precinct 1. First elected in 2019, she has served 2 full terms with an excellent attendance and a voting record that has been consistent with neighborhood concerns, property values, and sound fiscal policies. She has been married to Americo Palomba for 34 years and is mother to Rosa Palomba-Rescigno and Melisa Palomba-Tam, who both attended and graduated from the Saugus Public Schools. She is a grandmother to Giovanni 6, Giulia 4, Angelo 2, and Liliana 5 months. Sue holds a bachelor’s degree in business from Merrimack College. She has been a homeowner, taxpayer and rate payer in Saugus since 2000. After 30 years as an agent for Century 21, Sue started her own business, Mango Realty Inc., which now has 17 full- and part-time employees serving Saugus and the North Shore. Sue has been volunteering at the Saugus Senior Center for 22 years where she often is found POTSHOTS | FROM PAGE 2 ment to the paper: “Mr. Cogliano has changed the meeting dates and delayed this process because the MERC did not recommend any of the three (3) out of seven applicants that Mr. Cogliano has financial conflicts and friendships with and has filed conflicts of interest for the Environment (S.A.V.E.). Most importantly, Sue is acSue Palomba serving our senior lunch and calling out Bingo Numbers. She is also the Secretary to the Friends of the Saugus Senior Center. She has been an active member of the Saugus-Everett Elks for 12 years where she has served as the Exalted Ruler, a member of the Board of Directors, and chairperson for Veterans causes. She is the Vice President for the Saugus Cable (SCTV) Board of Directors where she has served for 7 years. A parishioner of Blessed Sacrament Church and St. Margaret’s church, she is also a chorus member. She is a member of the Garden club, as well as the Saugus Action Volunteers disclosures for. He failed to notify abutters about the change in date which was the reason for last night’s continuance. In fact, at least one applicant stated that they were not notified. One has to wonder if the MERC recommended any of these three would Mr. Cogliano be delaying the process as he has.” e n d o r s e d b y cessible to the residents of Precinct 1. Her phone number is listed, and she always makes herself available. She knows where to direct resident concerns and you can count on her to reply and follow through. Sue’s goal is to ensure that Saugus remains focused on the common good and work in partnership with businesses, elected and appointed. Officials, and community members to create new opportunities for Progress and to maintain the quality of life we all expect and deserve. 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