THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, SEpTEmbEr 30, 2022 Page 9 ASKS | FROM PAGE 8 about sending in up to 100 menus, business cards, fl yers, etc. that promote their services. There are always people asking for a good electrician, plumber, landscaper, snow-plower, dentist, etc. This a great opportunity for local businesses and service providers to get their information into the welcome bags for new residents. Q: What kind of responses are you getting? Based on the responses you have received, what are most residents interested in? What is the most valuable orientation issue for Saugus newcomers? A: The response of the nonprofi ts and houses of worship for the Saugus 411 has been wonderful with almost 20 groups participating so far. I was hoping to get more residents to respond that they will be attending, but, hopefully, they will come by even if they hadn’t responded via email. Seeing as this is our fi rst attempt at this, whatever the turnout, I hope it just builds in the future because I really believe this is at least one way to welcome people who move here. Often new residents don’t get involved until their children go to school, but this is an attempt to show what Saugus has to off er not just the kids, but the whole family, as we’ll have religious, sports and social groups participating. Invitations were sent to residents that purchased homes in Saugus since 2020. We will be handing out “welcome bags” to the fi rst 100 residents. Donna Sordello, a member of the committee, has invited local businesses or services to put a business card, menu or informational fl yer in the welcoming bags. Any business or service wishing to participate should contact saugus411@gmail.com or Donna Passanisi Sordello on Facebook. What a great way to get the word out there about your business or services here in town! Q: Anything else that you would like to share with folks out there in Saugus who might be interested in this event? A: You have the invitation letter that went out to residents, so you can see what we did. Q: Okay, we will publish that letter. “Dear Newly Arrived Residents of Saugus!! “WELCOME!! The Saugus Board of Selectmen, our Town Manager, Saugus School Committee and our Superintendent, would like to invite you to a fi rsttime event entitled “SAUGUS 411”! “This event is to welcome recent residents who are new to Saugus to fi nd out about our town’s form of government, election information, trash and recycling, and how to apply for permits. The Saugus School Department will share information on Prekindergarten, All Day Kindergarten, and the Early College program at the Middle/High School. There also will be nonprofit organizations you may be interested in exploring, perhaps the Garden Club or Put Your Success To Work. Library Foundation, youth sports, and many others to explore. It will also assist you with any questions you may have which you are seeking answers to. “This will be held on Saturday, October 15th, 9:00 a.m. to Noon at our new Middle/High School complex, 1 Pearce Drive. “This event is to welcome you all and inform you of all that Saugus has to off er! “This is totally for you! There is nothing for you to do but come, leisurely visit all informational tables that hopefully will answer your questions, hand out valuable information, and meet other Saugus residents who truly will make you feel welcome! “Please RSVP to: Saugus411@gmail.com By: October 1, 2022 “We hope to hear from you and get to welcome you in person!” Your next smart decision is what to do with your success. Easy choice, multiply it. 1.50%APY* Business Money Market Ask about our in-office business concierge service. *New Money Only. Minimum Deposit to earn interest is $50,000. For existing Everett Bank Business customers, an additional deposit of $10,000 is required.

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