THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, SEpTEmbEr 23, 2022 Page 5 State Reps take part in Fire Ops program O Special to Th e Advocate n Sept. 20, State Representatives Jessica Giannino and Donald Wong joined local and state offi cials across the commonwealth and participated in the Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts (PFFM)’s Fire Ops program with Revere Fire Department’s own Captain Kevin O’Hara! According to Rep. Giannino, “It was a hands-on training where my colleagues and I had a unique opportunity to learn about the profession. We learned skills like cutting apart a car using the jaws of life, extinguishing an apartment fire, performing CPR (on a mannequin), as well as learning more about fi re gear and equipment. Growing up with family members on both the police and fi re departments in Revere, I have an acute understanding of and admiration for these selfl ess professions. Today, after training with a live fi re and using powerful tools that can save MILLION SAVINGS | FROM PAGE 4 the DEP prior to meeting. The DEP was very clear in the letter to Representative Turco that they would allow no further expansion on the landfi ll, especially since it is located in an area of critical environmental concern,” she said. “Lastly, I would like to hear from Town Meeting now that we are calling a Special. I feel that this vote is extremely important for our Town, and we should have all the information before moving forward. I also would like to have a separate BOS meeting to discuss this topic after the October 24th (special) town meeting.” The deal WIN Waste offered the town provided $18.8 million in direct payments – a lump sum payment of $15 million plus $125,000 in 25 annual payments (for total addition value of $3.8 million). However, WIN Waste said it would pay the town $10 million in a lump sum if required to invest more than $5 million due to regulatory requirements, including:

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