Page 10 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, SEpTEmbEr 23, 2022 Saugus Veterans Council honors comrades in action who never returned home By Tara Vocino M embers of the Saugus community honored prisoners of war and those missing in action from all wars during last Friday night’s Saugus Veterans Council remembrance at Veterans Park. Honor guard members performed rituals around an empty table to symbolize the hope of their return. “They are not with us today,” Saugus Veterans Council Captain Steven Castinetti said. “Their chairs are empty, but saved for their hoped return.” Castinetti said to remember those whom we depended on in battle – they depend on us to bring them home. Pictured from left to right: Selectman Corinne Riley, Board of Selectmen Vice Chair Debra Panetta, Board Chairman Anthony Cogliano, Selectman Michael Serino and State Rep. Donald Wong. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Saugus Veterans Council Captain Steven Castinetti, USN (Ret) thanked veterans, especially those who never made it home. Peabody Veterans Memorial High School Air Force Junior ROTC Captain Caden Lanning, Staff Sgt. Said Calderon, Captain Jaydyn Bardina and Chief Master Sgt. Taylor Lemaire presented the colors. Peabody Veterans Memorial High School Chief Master Sergeant Taylor Lemaire sprinkled salt onto a bread plate to symbolize a veterans’ family’s tears as they wait and remember. Peabody Veterans Memorial High School Chief Master Sgt. Taylor Lemaire (in center) lit a candle to symbolize the fragility of a prisoner alone, trying to stand up against oppressors. An empty table signified a hoped return while remembering veterans’ absence. Saugus Veterans Council Executive Officer CCM Robert O’Toole, USAF (Ret) (far right) saluted the American flag. Honor Guard members flipped over Inverted glasses to signify veterans not being able to toast tonight, but maybe tomorrow, if they remember. We Remember: In front are Selectman Corinne Riley and Board of Selectmen Chairman Anthony Cogliano; in back are Board Vice Chair Debra Panetta, Selectman Michael Serino and State Rep. Donald Wong. Pictured from left to right: veterans Lloyd Sayles (Vietnam), William Boomhower (Vietnam), Gene Decareau (Korea), Geoff Trainor (Army Reserves), Joseph Johnson (Maryland) and Don Jacobs (National Guard), Dee Whittemore-Farris (Gold Star wife), and veterans Lester Markovitz (USMC), General Andrea Gayle-Bennett (National Guard) and Jack Marino (Capt. William G. Shoemaker Post 345) during last Friday’s POW/MIA ceremony at Veterans Park.

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