Page 6 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, AUGUST 25, 2023 Saugus Council on Aging drug awareness presentation O n Wednesday, August 9, 2023, the Saugus Senior Center along with the Saugus-Everett Elks hosted a drug awareness presentation. All who attended expressed how impressed and enlightened they were from the information and material provided by Saugus-Everett Elks members and drug awareness committee members. Gary Carter spoke about his own experience with addiction; while it was heart-wrenching, it provided us with valuable facts that could benefit all of us in some way, whether it be a family member or a loved one. We see a growing number of seniors having to raise or help raise their grandchildren, and this demonstration, most especially the “mock” bedroom of a teenager, while shocking, was extremely educating. Pictured from left to right: Cathy Strum, Massachusetts Elks Drug Awareness Committee at Large Member Gary Carter, Drug Awareness Committee member Janine Breau, Barbara Trainor, Saugus Senior Center Director Laurie Davis, Drug Awareness Committee member Annamaria Filkins, Lynette Terrazzano, Joanne Genzale and Drug Awareness Committee Chairperson Ron Visconti. In front of a banner displaying pictures of the deceased are Drug Awareness Committee members and Saugus police, pictured from left to right: Chairperson Ron Visconti, Annamaria Filkins, Detective Stacy Forni, Police Officer Jenna Loverme, Jeannine Breau and Bill Pothier. For Advertising with RESULTS, call The Advocate Newspapers at 781-233-4446 or info@advocatenews.net

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