Page 4 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, AUGUST 18, 2023 A question of changing Saugus governance Potential Candidates show an early interest in running for a spot on the Charter Commission in November By Mark E. Vogler Board of Selectmen Chair J ust a week after the Board of Registrars determined there will be a ballot question for a Charter Commission study on the Nov. 7 town election ballot, there is early interest by Saugus citizens who want to serve on that nine-member commission. Gerry D’Ambrosio Attorney-at-Law Is Your Estate in Order? Do you have an update Will, Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney? If Not, Please Call for a Free Consultation. 14 Proctor Avenue, Revere (781) 284-5657 Dan - 1972 We Sell Cigars & Accessories! 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Camuso, Sr., former Selectman and former Town Meeting member Julie Mitchell, Anthony D. Speziale and Frank V. Federico. To qualify to become a Charter Commission candidate on the November election ballot, a Saugus resident must submit their nomination papers to the Town Clerk’s Office by 5 p.m. Sept. 19 for certification of signatures. Candidates must secure at least 50 certified signatures from registered voters. Cogliano said he encouraged three of the four potential Charter Commission candidates to run for office, either by calling them or talking to them in person. “I would have asked all four, but I didn’t get a chance to call one of them. I will help all four if they want me to,” Cogliano told The Saugus Advocate. Our 51st Anniversary Chris 2023 WHAT’S THE FUTURE? Voters will decide in the fall town elections whether they would like to see a Charter Commission study potential changes in how government operates in Saugus Town Hall. (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler) “They are all friends of mine. I would imagine there will be many more jumping into the race. I intend on supporting those with a similar vision – which is moving Saugus forward. I’m looking forward to it and would love to be able to serve with any and all of them,” he said, declining to identify the potential candidate he didn’t approach. Cogliano said he was “thrilled” with the early response by potential candidates expressing an interest in running. “I am happy to sign all of their petitions and will go door to door with them if they want my help,” Cogliano said. “I intend on meeting with all the candidates to get their thoughts and listen to their ideas. Nice to see some political newcomers too,” he said. Cogliano only learned last week that he is eligible to serve on the Charter Commission while sitting on the Board of Selectmen. Town Counsel John Vasapolli had issued a legal opinion in late June that selectmen and School Committee members couldn’t serve in two townwide offices simultaneously and therefore were ineligible to run for and serve on the Charter Commission while holding their respective offices. But Cogliano disagreed with Vasapolli’s opinion and said he planned to run for both. He also appealed to the Secretary of State’s Office for their opinion on the matter. Shortly after, Vasapolli consulted with an attorney in the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s office, who agreed with Cogliano. Vasapolli then issued a revised opinion that concluded selectmen and School Committee members were eligible to run for – and if elected – serve in those positions while also serving on the Charter Commission. Cogliano said he understands that there are many more hurdles to overcome even if voters approve of a nine-member Charter Commission to study possible changes of Saugus government. He has suggested changing from a town to a city, or at least having an elected town manager. Cogliano has also expressed an interest in running for mayor or being a future town manager. “I also know the opposition will be putting forth their cast of naysayers who will get no support from me,” Cogliano said. At least two selectmen said they support the current form of government in Saugus and don’t see the need for the town to create another Charter Commission at this time. Selectman Michael Serino told The Saugus Advocate he has some concerns about creating a Charter Commission. “Overwhelmingly, when Towns vote to form a Charter Commission, the final plan proposed to the voters is to change a municipality’s form of government from a Town to a City form of government,” Serino said. “In Saugus, this would mean eliminating your five (5) electCHARTER COMMISSION | SEE PAGE 5

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