THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, AUGUST 18, 2023 Page 19 Revere resident participates in Ballroom Dance Performance R evere resident Albert Nicholls participated at the Dancesport AcadAlbert Nicholls and Mrs. Saori DeSouza performed the mambo at the Dancesport Academy of New England Ballroom Dance Showcase. (courtesy photo) THIS WEEK ON SAUGUS TV Sunday, Aug. 20 from 9–11 p.m. on Channel 8 – “Sunday Night Stooges” (The Three Stooges). Monday, Aug. 21 all day on Channel 8 – “Movie Monday” (classic movies). Tuesday, Aug. 22 at 7 p.m. on Channel 9 – Board of Selectmen Meeting live. Wednesday, Aug. 23 at 8:30 p.m. on Channel 22 – Space Race to the Moon. Thursday, Aug. 24 at 6 p.m. on Channel 9 – School Committee Meeting live. Friday, Aug. 25 at 1 p.m. on Channel 22 – Graff Report. Saturday, Aug. 26 at 5:30 p.m. on Channel 22 – Oktoberfest Documentary. Saugus TV can be seen on Comcast Channels 8 (Public), 9 (Government) & 22 (Educational). ***programming may be subject to change without notice*** For complete schedules, please visit www.saugustv.org emy of New England Ballroom Dance Showcase held on August 13 of this year at the dance studio in Brighton, Mass. With a live audience and along with other performances, Albert, with his instructor, Mrs. Saori DeSouza, as his partner, performed the rhythm dance mambo. The audience appreciated the performance and said the ticket price paid was well worth it. Albert enjoyed cheering for other performers and appreciates the dedication of his teacher/owner of the Dancesport Academy of New England challenging him to make his best eff ort in his ballroom dancing.

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