THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, AUGUST 18, 2023 Page 11 The Sounds of Saugus By Mark E. Vogler Good morning, Saugus! Everybody needs a vacation. And I will be taking my annual two weeks off, beginning this weekend and returning on Sept. 5, the Tuesday after Labor Day, just in time for a Board of Selectmen’s meeting that night. As in past years, readers and public officials should still feel free to email me any notices, announcements or news tips during the period I will be off. And, I will make sure that the information is passed on to our home office in Everett. The Saugus Advocate will still be published on Aug. 25 and Sept. 1. I don’t have any special plans, other than to relax, tend to some health issues, take care of some projects around the house and rest up for the rest of the year, as the biennial town election will be in full swing soon. Meanwhile, there are some other major events for Saugonians. The new academic year for Saugus Public Schools begins in just 11 days: Aug. 29. And plans are already in the works for one of the biggest town events of the year – Founders Day – which is set for Saturday, Sept. 9. It’s one of my favorite days hanging out in Saugus – right up there with the town’s Annual Christmas Tree Lighting and Festivities, Saugus High School graduation and Memorial Day observed on the Friday before that holiday. I also enjoy the days of “The Orange Glow” generated by “The Pumpkin Patch” on the lawn of the First Congregational Church on Hamilton Street facing Town Hall during the weeks leading up to Halloween. Speaking of Founders Day, Joyce Rodenhiser of the “Persons of the Year Committee” asked me to remind Saugus residents who plan on attending Founders Day – or those who are thinking about it – that a great reason to go to this annual event is to honor the town’s proud heritage of its founders, from the town’s ancestors who contributed to the development of the town all the way through the contemporary founders who contribute to the betterment of Saugus. “At noon time, in front of our Saugus Town Hall, on Founders Day, the Persons of the Year will be announced! Come, see who has been helping Saugus be a better place because of what they have done voluntarily for Saugonians and organizations,” Joyce wrote me in an email. “Founders Day is a great time to see old friends and classmates! It’s a big block party with lots of food, fun, civic organizations, entertainment and shopping. Join us downtown to see what’s happening!!” The Persons of the Year presentation is a Founders Day tradition that dates back to 1989, with that first award going to Stanley Day. In 1993, separate awards were presented to a woman and a man selected for the honor. The plaque is inscribed with this tribute: “In Recognition of Your Dedication to The Town of Saugus. This Award Truly Exemplifies the Outstanding Ideals and Spirit of Our Founding Fathers. THE TOWN OF SAUGUS SALUTES YOU.” Other than two years when the presentation was postponed because of public health concerns related to COVID-19, this wonderful tradition has continued. Past recipients of the award have already met and selected a deserving man and woman for this year, who will be honored at noon. Most of the living past recipients will sit in chairs on a platform set up on the steps of Saugus Town Hall. Names of the past recipients will be read. The previous year’s Persons of the Year usually introduce the new recipients before the presentation. The honorees are then allowed to offer remarks – sometimes something short and sweet; other times, more extensive remarks read from a prepared speech. Sometimes the presenters have more to say about the recipients of this prestigious local award than the honorees do about themselves. The Persons of the Year presentation is a great intermission period to break up a Saugus celebration that focuses on lots of fun, food and fund-raising by local organizations devoted to good causes. But the awards presentation to two civic-minded Saugonians should always be the centerpiece of this special day for proud town residents who love their town and want to know more about the people who make a difference – and honor them in a classy way. See you at noon on Sept. 9. The Navy Band performs tomorrow! Breakheart Reservation will again be hosting the Navy Band tomorrow (Saturday, Aug. 19) at 6 p.m. at the Gazebo Lawn. It’s free and open to the public. The Friends of Breakheart Reservation recommends that you bring a lawn chair or a blanket and enjoy the talented and popular Navy Band playing top hits from current pop music. This event is cosponsored by the nonprofit, all volunteer Friends of Breakheart and the state Department of Conservation & Recreation (DCR), which owns and manages the reservation. The Navy Band has long been a summertime attraction at Breakheart. This year Rhode Island Sound will be playing the music. Here’s some information that the Friends provided on the band: “Rhode Island Sound is the most contemporary sounding group from Navy Band Northeast. This ensemble entertains audiences with music ranging from rhythm and blues to classic rock. Performing current popular music at high schools throughout New England, Rhode Island Sound also performs public concerts at a variety of venues. Their versatility and showmanship have always kept them in great demand since their inception in 1974.” Knights of Columbus Craft Fair and Flea Market The Saugus Knights of Columbus will hold its Outdoor Craft Fair and Flea Market tomorrow (Saturday, August 19) at 57 Appleton St., from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. A rain date has been set for Aug. 26. Free admission and free parking – come enjoy raffles, food and fun. For more information, please call the Knights of Columbus at 781233-9858. Food Pantry notes The Saugus United Parish Food Pantry is open today (Friday, Aug. 18) from 9:30-11 a.m. Town Election Watch It sure looks like the Charter Commission ballot question and the election to fill the seats on the nine-member commission will be a major driving force in the fall town elections. Sure, the election for Board of Selectmen will be the marquee race, followed by the School Committee election. But the candidates’ views on whether it’s time to change the Saugus Town Charter will no doubt be influenced by the vote on the Charter Commission ballot question – which could be very polarizing. Another week has passed in Saugus’ preliminary election campaign – the pulling of nomination papers from Town Clerk Ellen Schena’s office. As of Wednesday (Aug. 16), five residents had pulled out nomination papers for a seat on the nine-member Charter Commission (see related story), according to Town Clerk Ellen Schena. Board of Selectmen Chair Anthony Cogliano – the one who spearheaded the petition drive for Charter change – was one of five residents who took out nomination papers. Joining him were Precinct 2 Town Meeting Member Robert J. Camuso, Sr., former Selectman and former Town Meeting member Julie Mitchell, Anthony D. Speziale and Frank V. Federico. Sebastian Dimodica took out papers for selectman. Housing Authority Member Maureen Whitcomb has pulled papers for another four-year term. Former School Committee Member Arthur Grabowski took out papers for two positions: the School Committee and a Town Meeting seat in Precinct 8. Nothing is official yet. Each of these candidates may run or decide not to. They have about four weeks – up until 5 p.m. on Sept. 19 – to submit nomination papers to the Town Clerk’s Office for certification of signatures. Fifty certified signatures of registered voters are required for the Board of Selectmen, School Committee, the Housing Authority and the nine-member Charter Commission. Only 10 certified signatures of registered voters are required for Town Meeting, but each of the signatures must be from registered voters in the candidate’s precinct. Sept. 15 is the final day to obtain nomination papers – just four days before the filing deadline. Stay tuned. A slew of “Shout Outs” It’s always great when we receive multiple “shout outs” in any given week, like we did this week. There is no such thing as too many “Shout Outs” for The Saugus Advocate. So, here we go: Precinct 6 Town Meeting Member Jeanie Bartolo: “This is a Happy Birthday ‘Shout Out’ to Jeannie Meredith this Friday, August 18th!! Jeannie and I share the same name and the same Birthday!! We Leos have to stick together and we never tell our ages, hee-hee!! Hope you have the best Birthday ever Jeannie!!!” Jeannie Meredith is an administrative aid to Town ManTHE SOUNDS | SEE PAGE 12 —Cont est— CONTEST SKETCH OF THE WEEK Can You Guess Who? If you know, call 978-683-7773 and your name will be entered into a contest to win. The prize is a $10 gift certificate of your favorite Saugus coffee place or restaurant. Thank you.

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