FIREFIGHTER | FROM PAGE 1 Page 2 also a member of the Volunteer Saugus Fire Department. She said she drew her inspiration from growing up in a civil service family. Patrizzi earned a degree from Middlesex Community College and works as a phlebotomist at Massachusetts THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, AUGUST 12, 2022 General Hospital. Also beginning work this week are firefighters: Saugus resident Joseph Prince, 26, is a Saugus High School 2014 graduate who played baseball, hockey and golf. His grandfather, John MacKenzie, was a lieutenant of the Saugus Fire Department. He Shown from left to right: Fire Captain Chris Rizza with recruits Rachael Patrizzi, Joseph Prince, Matthew Massone and Thomas Trainor in front of ladder 1 during Tuesday’s training. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) is not married nor does he have children. Prince earned his associate’s degree in fire science. Saugus resident Matthew Massone, 27, didn’t come from a firefighter family; however, his inspiration drew from his father, who served on the Everett Police Department, and his grandfather, who served as a Registry officer. Massone served in the United States Marine Corps. He is not married nor does he have children. He graduated from Malden Catholic High School in 2013. Massone earned his associate’s degree in liberal arts from North Shore Community College. Saugus resident Derek Hickman, 40, is a 2000 Saugus High School graduate who played soccer. His father was a retired Boston fire lieutenant and his cousin served on Staten Island. He is married and earned a degree in accounting and finance from Bridgewater State University. FIREFIGHTER | SEE PAGE 12 Shown during a ladder drill is Rachael Patrizzi – the brother of a former Saugus firefighter – who made local history this week by becoming the town’s first female firefighter. Recruit Rachael Patrizzi learned the techniques of moving a ladder properly.

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