Page 20 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, AUGUST 11, 2023 The Advocate Online in 7 Languages. Only $50/Yr. www.advocatenews.net 12 YEARS PRISON SENTENCE FOR TAX CRIMES A fter a four-day federal court trial, a tax preparer was sentenced to 12 years in prison. The tax preparer created phony businesses that reported false operating losses. She also claimed fuel tax credits even though only .2% of all taxpayers qualify for such fuel credits. She also claimed state income tax deductions as an itemized deduction on Schedule A for taxpayer clients of hers that lived in Texas. Texas has no state income taxes. Apparently, she also fabricated medical expense deductions, charitable contribution deductions and deductions for unemployment reimbursements. The IRS Criminal Investigation division uncovered evidence that 98% of her tax clients received refunds. In reality, several of her tax clients owed as much as $25,000 in federal income taxes and yet paid nothing. This tax preparer supposedly was charging more for tax preparation fees than was customary in her LOOKING BACK | FROM PAGE 19 or and text, finally asked if we would do one for her town. But we told her we couldn’t do that because love begins at home. Man of the Year celebration she realized the IRS’ Criminal Investigation Division Special Agents were investigating her and only after the crimes were committed. As a tax preparer, she is required to not only file all of her tax returns, but she is also required to pay all of the taxes due to the federal government. The CI is the Criminal Invesarea of tax practice. She encouraged clients to refer her business in order to perpetuate the continuing crimes. The IRS confirmed she purchased a Bentley and a Maserati as well. Cosmetic surgery was also one of the benefits of continuing in this tax fraud scheme. The guilty verdict was handed down on April 3, 2023. She was sentenced on July 11, 2023. The IRS stated that she also owed over $1.9million in federal income taxes. She only began to pay money towards the outstanding balance once tigation division of the IRS, responsible for conducting financial crime investigations, public corruption, healthcare fraud, identity theft and much more. CI agents are the only federal law enforcement agents with investigative jurisdiction over violations of the Internal Revenue Code, obtaining more than a 90% federal conviction rate. The agency has 20 field offices located across the U.S. and 12 attache’ posts abroad. With 87,000 new IRS agents on the horizon and with over $47billion being earmarked for enforcement, you are much more likely to see an increase in tax evasion convictions in the years to come. last year for this poet and writer, literature making headway coming my way in 2022, in my 95th year. Editor’s Note: Tom Sheehan, 95, is a Saugus historian and book author who came to Saugus in the second grade and developed a great passion for reading and writing – mostly about Saugus people, places and events. He is a frequent contributor to The Saugus Advocate. No living person has written more about Saugus than Sheehan, who has authored 58 books that have focused on his favorite town. ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ SAUGUS BOARD OF SELECTMEN Applications For SCTV The Saugus Board of Selectmen is accepting applications for appointments to the Saugus Cable Television (SCTV) Board of Directors, for the Town of Saugus. This is a volunteer/ non paid position for Saugus residents. Those interested may submit letter of interest / resume, to the selectmen no later than August 22, 2023. Saugus Board of Selectmen Saugus Town Hall 298 Central Street, Suite 4 Saugus, MA 01906 . Anthony Cogliano, Chairman Janice K. Jarosz, Temp. Clerk August 11, 2023 ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ SAUGUS BOARD OF SELECTMEN Public Hearing Notice is hereby given that the Saugus Board of Selectmen will conduct a Public Hearing on the request of Olde World Remedies, for a Special Permit (S-2) to allow for a recreational marijuana establishment at 173 Main Street, Saugus, MA 01906. This Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, September 12, 2023, Saugus Town Hall Auditorium, second floor, 298 Central Street, Saugus MA at 7:15 PM. Anthony Cogliano, Chairman Janice K. Jarosz, Temp. Clerk August 11, 2023 celebrity to become a Barbie doll (in 1967)? 11. What is the most populous island: Java, Sri Lanka or Taiwan? 1. On Aug. 11, 1911, in Honolulu, Duke Kahanamoku set a 100yard freestyle swim record (55.4) that was thought too good to be true but was later accepted by AAU, which stands for what? 2. What foreign beverage’s name means “drowned”? 3. What U.S. state has only one school district? 4. August 12 is World Elephant Day; what are elephant tusks made of? 5. In what Olympic sport would you find the “clean and jerk”? 6. What clam’s name includes the name of a waterfowl? 7. On Aug. 13, 2004, what chef who had played on Smith College’s basketball team died at 91? 8. What is the most common animal for solar grazing? 9. On Aug. 14, 1959, athlete Earvin Johnson, Jr. was born; he is better known by what nickname? 10. What model was the first 12. Sand in Massachusetts beaches is made up mostly of what mineral: garnet, mica or quartz? 13. On Aug. 15, 1939, what musical film that included the song “If I Were King of the Forest” premiered at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in LA? 14. In 1991 why did lab mates at the University of Cambridge set up a webcam (the first ever) to monitor a coffee pot? 15. What sport includes a term that is the name of an emotion? 16. What president in 1825 was the first who did not wear knee breeches to his inauguration? 17. On Aug. 16, 1777, the Battle of Bennington took place in what state when the British were headed to another state for a cache of munitions and weapons? 18. What bird’s name includes the name of a pasta shape? 19. What is it called when a lobster sheds its shell? 20. August 17 is National Massachusetts Day; in what year did Maine and the Plymouth colony merge into the Massachusetts Bay Colony: 1501, 1691 or 1734? ANSWERS 1. Amateur Athletic Union 2. Affogato (Italian) 3. Hawaii 4. Ivory 5. Weightlifting 6. Geoduck 7. Julia Child 8. Sheep; they enjoy low-mount solar panels’ shade 9. “Magic” Johnson (basketball star) 10. Twiggy 11. Java 12. Quartz 13. “The Wizard of Oz” 14. So they would not have to make pointless trips to check if it was empty 15. Tennis (“Love” means no score.) 16. John Quincy Adams 17. New York (in Walloomsac, which is near Bennington, Vt.; Vermont celebrates Bennington Battle Day) 18. Macaroni penguin 19. Molting 20. 1691

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