Page 2 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, AUGUST 11, 2023 GOVERNANCE | FROM PAGE 1 (Thursday, Aug. 10) notifying them that the petitions obtained enough valid signatures for the ballot question to be put on a warrant for the next local election. “Town Counsel and I have spoken about the actual wording for the warrant,” Schena said. “John [Vasapolli] and I will get with the state to see what wording is used for the ballot,” she said. Meanwhile, Schena announced that a two-day review period will begin this morning at the Town Clerk’s Offi ce and conclude at 5 p.m. Monday (Aug. 14) so “people can come in and challenge their signatures.” Saugus citizens who want to run for one of the nine seats on the Charter Commission must obtain 50 certifi ed signatures from registered voters to have their name placed on the ballot. The ballot question for a Charter Commission could set the tone for the fall elections. Cogliano has been outspoken in his advocacy for a change in Saugus’ form of government. He has proposed that Saugus change from a town to a city. If it remains a town, he would prefer to see the town manager elected rather than serve at the pleasure of the Board of Selectmen. Selectmen off er mixed reviews Selectman Corinne Riley – Cogliano’s key ally on the board – said she was pleased with this week’s outcome. “I want to congratulate Chairman Cogliano on obtaining enough certifi ed signatures to get the Charter Commission question on this November’s ballot,” said Riley, who signed the petition and supports the creation of a Charter Commission. “It was a huge undertaking and he showed great de5.0 %APY* INSURED 9 Month CD Dream Bigger YOUR SAVINGS HORIZON IS LOOKING BRIGHTER. Here’s your chance to reach your savings goal faster than ever. Everett Bank’s 9 Month CD with an amazing 5.0% APY* gets you closer to those financial goals much faster. Easily calculate better earnings with Everett Bank’s 9 Month CD. Go to everettbank.com to easily open your account online in just minutes. termination,” Riley said. “With over 4,000 signatures obtained, it’s clear that there is a strong appetite to form a Charter Commission to review the current Charter,” she said. Riley said she supports a new Charter Commission “so that the charter can be reviewed as a public process with public discussion and input, and ultimately accepted or rejected by the voters.” “Speaking for myself, I’d like to see the charter amended to put more authority in the hands of the voters,” she said. Riley said she is not interested in running for a seat on the Charter Commission. “However, whenever I have the opportunity to attend the meetings, I’ll provide my inputs there,” she said. Selectman Michael Serino said he has some concerns about creating a Charter Commission. “Overwhelmingly, when Towns vote to form a Charter Commission, the fi nal plan proposed to the voters is to change a municipality’s form of government from a Town to a City form of government,” Serino said. “In Saugus, this would mean eliminating your fi ve (5) elected Selectmen and your fi fty (50) elected Town Meeting Members, thereby, replacing them with an elected Town Manager or Administrator and/or Mayor along with an elected nine (9) member City / Town Council,” he said. “As to a run for Charter Commission, I am undecided. I have obtained my nomination papers to run for re-election to the Board of Selectmen this November.” While the creation of a Charter Commission has the potential to polarize the Board of Selectmen, Selectman Jeff rey Cicolini seems to be keeping an open mind on the process. “As I stated before, I will always continue to support the will of the people,” Cicolini told The Saugus Advocate. “Obviously the desire is there to establish a commission and I will fully support the decision and the commission. At this time, my plan is to run for reelection to the Board of Selectmen and I have yet to decide if I will run for the Charter Commission,” Cicolini said. “My dad served as the Char*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of the date posted and is subject to change without notice. APY assumes that interest remains on deposit until maturity. A withdrawal will reduce earnings. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. Offer may be withdrawn at any time. Minimum of $500 is required to open a Certificate of Deposit and earn the advertised APY. Member FDIC | Member DIF All Deposits Are Insured In Full. ter Commission chairman back in the 80’s and my mom served on the most recent commission, so I will never say ‘never.’ I do support the desire to take a fresh look at our governance and how we operate as there are always things that can improve,” he said. “I look forward to the election and no matter who comprises the nine-member commission, I am sure they each will do a great job and have Saugus’ best interest at heart,” he said. Panetta supports current system: Board of Selectmen Vice Chair Debra Panetta recalled how she had to make a choice back in 2007 on whether to run for the Board of Selectmen or the Charter Commission. Panetta said she wanted to run for both offi ces, but was told she could only serve in one of the offi ces, so she decided to run for Charter Commission and served as the vice chair. “At that time, our Town was in dismal financial condition, and we almost went into receivership,” Panetta recalled. “The Essex Street Fire Station didn’t have enough funds to stay open full-time, and there was talk about closing our Library, Senior Center, and Youth and Recreation Center. The Town of Saugus was in fi nancial ruin,” Panetta said. “I knew we could do better as a Town, and we certainly have made huge strides since I was elected to the Board of Selectmen back in 2011. Today, we have earned an AA+ from Standard and Poor’s due to our strong economy and budget performance, saving taxpayers millions of dollars. We were able to maintain that high quality rating even through the Covid-19 pandemic,” she said. “We have built a beautiful new Middle/High School, new parks and playgrounds, and we are even discussing building a third fi re station. Being involved in Saugus government for over three decades, I’ve seen vast improvements. This has been due to the outstanding work of our Town Manager, Scott Crabtree, the Finance Committee, Town Meeting, our Treasurer/Collector Wendy Hatch, the Board of Selectmen, and all the Department heads and various Boards and Commissions in Town working for the betterment of our community. People always need to work together to achieve the best results for Saugus.” Panetta noted that “one talking point in favor of the Charter Commission” is the ability to put staggered elections on the ballot, something the previous Charter Commission recommended. Although the Charter change GOVERNANCE | SEE PAGE 8

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